The Importance of Being Earnest

Our neighborhood theater group, the Barcroft Players,
presented a staged reading of The Importance of Being Earnest on August 20, 2005. The play, a Victorian drawing room comedy by Oscar Wilde, was very well received by an enthusiastic audience.

The Cast

From left, Phil Cackley (Lane, Dr. Chasuble), Danny Cackley (Algernon Moncrieff), Cecilia Cackley (Director, Gwendolen Fairfax), Ana Cackley (Laetitia Prism), Camille (Cami) Danvers (Cecile Cardew), Mary Devine (Lady Bracknell), Anne Musica (Merriman), Alex Danvers (Jack/Earnest Worthing)

Algernon and Cecily
Played by Danny Cackley and Camille Danvers

Drawing Room scene

The Supporting Crew

h4> Producer: Barbara Swart

Director: Cecilia Cackley

Lighting and Sound: Randy Swart

Refreshments: Phyl and Pennie Kinsey, Teresa Saunders

Programs: Barbara Swart

Publicity: Cackley family, Danvers family, Barbara Swart, Alison Willocks and Elizabeth Rives

House Scheduling: Karen Darner

Cast and Crew Bios

Ana Cackley (Miss Laetitia Prism) appeared in the Barcroft Players' production of "Tales of Barcroft" as Adaline Marye, and in The King's Equal as The Servant. She is a 7th grader at H-B Woodlawn School and is also a member of the Arlington Junior Honors Chorus. A lifelong Barcroft resident, she is a regular with the Barcroft Players.

Cecilia P. Cackley (Director, Gwendolen Fairfax) is a founding member of the Barcroft Players and has directed or acted in all the company's previous performances. She is a senior at the College of William and Mary, where she majors in performing arts and specializes in being overcommitted.

Danny Cackley (Algernon Moncrieff) played a monkey in the Barcroft Players production of "Words Words Words," as well as the boyfriend in "Sure Thing." He was the young blade Eddie Haring in "Tales of Barcroft." He is a senior at Washington-Lee High School and has participated in many theatrical productions.

Phil Cackley (Lane, Dr. Frederick Chasuble) has appeared as Dr. John Barcroft in "Tales of Barcroft." He directed and appeared as Rosamund's father in "The King's Equal." He works part-time as an ESL instructor in Clarendon and full-time as a father of four.

Alex Danvers (Earnest/Jack Worthing) playing in his debut with the Barcroft Players, is a resident of neighboring Arlington Forest. He is a sophomore at William and Mary. He has appeared in other theatrical productions at the college.

Camille Danvers (Cecily Cardew) is also welcomed in her first Barcroft Players role. Another member of the talented Danvers family of Arlington Forest, she was costumed in a remarkable dress passed down by her grandmother.

Mary Devine (Lady Bracknell) played Dorothy at age 9 in "The Wizard of Oz." A Rhode Island native, Mary works as a market research analyst and was happy to discover the existence of the Players through the Barcroft News. (It pays to read!) She played The Wolf in the BP production of "The King's Equal."

Ann Musica (Merriman) volunteered to read the part of Merriman when the production lacked a cast member. We are grateful for her participation and ensuring that the show would go on.

Phyl and Pennie Kinsey (Refreshments) are long-term Barcrofters who have pitched in on innumerable community events and are familiar faces at Barcroft events. They volunteered to help with this production without being asked.

Teresa Saunders (Refreshments) has been our unsung heroine for the past five productions, never appearing in our programs while always playing the parts of absent actors, helping with almost everything, and making glorious cookies for the cast.

Barbara Swart (Producer) founded the Barcroft Players in 2001 because she believes it's impossible to have too many theater groups in the world. A 30+ year resident of Barcroft, she works by day as a computer manager for Freddie Mac.

Randy Swart (Lights and Set Construction) believes he is best remembered for his sensitive and evocative performances as a Bear in Goldilocks (2nd grade), and the piper in Brigadoon.

More about the Barcroft Players

Updated on: October 30, 2023.