The Barcroft News
December, 2000 - Volume 98, Number 4
Join Us for Holiday Caroling at the December Meeting
Every December, we set aside business to welcome in the holiday season. We invite everyone, all ages, to gather to sing Christmas carols, hear talented neighborhood performers play and sing, hear a reading of 'The Night Before Christmas,' and await a surprise visitor (hint: carries his own bag). This is really one of the special treats that goes with living in Barcroft. Contributions of cookies or other finger foods are welcome. Thursday, December 7, 7:30 p.m.
On November 7th the Barcroft School opened its doors to the voters of our community for the 2000 election. The lines were long, but the spirits were high. Once again, a miracle occurred. Opposing parties, opposing candidates, and opposing ideas all competed - vigorously -- for power. Yet no blood was shed, as citizens peacefully cast their ballots to select their leaders and policies. For this we should all give thanks. Thanks, also, to those who volunteered to work the polls so that we could exercise our precious right to vote.
Overstuffed garbage bins as well as plastic bags placed on the curbside on trash days are easily accessible to the increasing number of crows in our neighborhood. As the birds search for food, they spread litter around the neighborhood. Besides being an eyesore, this material frequently enters the drainage system and further pollutes our streams. Please take care to secure all of your trash containers as best you can to minimize this problem. Thank you.
Submitted by Bob Yahn.
Bob And Edith's Comes to Roys
Greg Bolton, owner of Bob and Edith's Diner on Columbia Pike, talked to the BSCL about his plans to open a second diner at the former Roy Roger's site at S. Buchanan and Columbia Pike. Unlike the original, it won't be open 24 hours, at least initially. But it will have more seating for non-smokers.
Greg said he is open to discussing ways to improve traffic flow problems at the intersection. He suggested metering some of the parking places near the intersection to deter long-term parking there. While he expressed doubt about closing the Buchanan Street exit to his lot, he said he would be willing to consider installing a ``no right turn'' sign to discourage neighborhood cut-through traffic.
Greg will use the existing Roy's building. Eventually, he'd like to build additional stores on the Buchanan Street side of the lot. But he hasn't yet purchased the property, pending clean up of gasoline that leaked from underground tanks some years ago. Greg said he would be willing to provide space on the lot for a bus shelter once he takes ownership.
Overall, Barcroft residents were pleased with Greg's frank answers and willingness to listen to our concerns. And a good many of them are probably looking forward to pie and coffee at this new neighborhood restaurant.
Attention "16" Bus Users
Arlington's Department of Public Works, Planning Division is evaluating all of the county's bus stops and shelters, and has been asked to look at our east-bound Columbia Pike stop. A local leader has complained that newspaper boxes crowding the narrow walk make it tough to get on the bus. The official is Eric Smith, and he plans to issue a report in about nine months, with an action plan to follow. The Public Works Department can be reached at 703-228-3711.
Police Report Increased Gang Activity
A gang-related homicide and apparently increasing gang activity has alarmed residents along Columbia Pike and prompted a meeting between community leaders and police at the Columbia Pike Revitalization Headquarters in early November.
Police Chief Ed Flynn told the group of about 24 that while gang problems had abated, they now seem to be reappearing. But he downplayed the risk to the average citizen, and urged thinking ``long-term and strategically'' about the problem, saying that as long as there are disaffected youth, there will be gang problems.
The biggest challenge, Flynn said, is connecting with the Salvadoran community. Throughout generations, gang activity has troubled the assimilation of every ethnic group that has come to the U.S. ``It's our turn now,'' Flynn says.
However, Flynn said that most gang-related crime is turf-oriented, and may have little effect on neighborhoods like Barcroft. Police plan to increase foot patrols for the time being.
Flynn believes about 8 or 9 gangs that exist in Arlington. He estimates total membership amounts at about 100 -- a figure he said was little more than a guess given their fluid nature.
The incident that provoked much alarm was a deadly shooting at the 7-11 in the 3600 block of Columbia Pike on Oct. 24. Police quickly made arrests in connection with the murder.
Another incident, a stabbing on Nov. 12. at the Shell station at Columbia Pike and S. Greenbrier, seems to have involved a coincidental meeting of members of the Little Locos and Mara Salvatrucha gangs, police say.
While most gang activity had been on the decline, the exception seems to be the MS gang "which seems to be the one throwing its weight around," according to Chief Flynn. It was their members who allegedly did the shooting at the 7-Eleven. The victim, according to Chief Flynn, was a member of the Little Locos, or "what's left of the Little Locos".
Capt. Steve Holl said the MS gang didn't have a defined turf. Most of their crimes are opportunistic and they don't appear to be engaging in more organized activities like drug trafficking, and prostitution.
One way citizens can get involved is to alert authorities to graffiti, which can provoke turf battles. The county's graffiti hotline number is 703-558-2222.
Police also urge residents to report any suspicious activity
Barcroft Membership: Not Your Last Chance
We would love to have you join the Barcroft School and Civic League. To make it even more convenient for you, we have included another membership form in this NEWS. Please clip, fill, and mail. You (and we) will be glad you did!
Barcroft Exchange
FOR SALE: powered Treadmill with many features in excellent condition. $150. Angie Woodward 703-525-8533
Barcroft Traffic
Barcroft Traffic is on line, holding, while the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee (NTCC) resolves new issues:
1. How does the NTCC compare priorities of traffic problems between two types of sites: whole neighborhoods or individual streets. The Barcroft Traffic Committee wanted to work out our traffic issues as a whole neighborhood but we may have to consider a phased approach.
2. How long will it take and how expensive will it be to work with the top five streets whose priority points were 111 to 61? Priority points are based on 7 factors: vehicular speed on the measured street(s), volume, pedestrian "generators" like school, community house, etc., accidents within the last three years, sidewalks, bike/transit routes, and previous traffic calming. In addition, where does the speed data cluster: what percent of speeding is 5 mph and also 10 mph above the posted speed limit of 25 mph. Our Third street and Abingdon had 50 and 44 points, at 85th % speeds of 34 and 31 mph with volumes of 1845 and 967 respectively. This is surprising enough for a "neighborhood" street. However, compare this with N. Fillmore at 37 mph and 3734 vehicles per day (vpd), S. Columbus at 33 mph and 4189 vpd, and others whose data the NTCC will be reporting and we will pass on to you. Remember that the NTCC meetings are open and very informative. The next one is Monday, December 4 at the County Office Building, 2100 Clarendon Blvd., usually in one of the first floor meeting rooms.
So for the next four months, Trav Fick will be studying neighborhood statistics and the working groups for traffic calming in Lyon Park, Langston Brown, Yorktown, and Rock Spring. Our task meanwhile is DRIVE 25, walk/run/bike our streets, and wave neighborly at the drivers going by.
Submitted by Elaine Squeri
Our Advertisers
Please support these good people who advertised in the Barcroft News this month:
- Cowboy Cafe - 2421 Columbia Pike - 703-486-3467
- The Big Guy & the Little Guy Home Improvement, Todd Otto 703-553-TODD
- Jazzercise - 703-671-2055
- The Casey O'Neal Team - Real Estate - 703-824-4196
- 'Canned' Flower Show - December 16th from 3 to 7 PM at the Barcroft Community House.
The Barcroft Community House can be rented for your
special event. Call 521-1116 for more information
For the most up-to-date listing of Barcroft events, please consult our Web page Calendar.
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editors - Mark Rom, 486-2983
Publisher/Mailing - Lisa Rom, 486-2983
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2000-2001
President - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Vice President - Pat Williamson, 521-1082
Recording Secretary - Bruce Atkinson, 979-4868
Treasurer - Gary Lefebvre, 521-0184
Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Tope, 920-2567
Membership Secretary - Peg Lefebvre, 521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 892-0308
Traffic Committee - Elaine Squeri 920-7014
Parade - Andrew Hunter 979-8247
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 271-0944
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Daphne Miller 920-5681
Crime - vacant
Parks - vacant
Volunteers - Scott Royal 553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes,
and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one, but pretty close.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 521-1116

This page was last revised on: December 3, 2000.