The Barcroft News
February, 2001 - Volume 98, Number 6
February Meeting: Columbia Pike Revitalization Plan
The February BSCL meeting will feature a presentation on the emerging Columbia Pike Revitalization plan. Arlington County planning and economic development staff, and representatives of the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization (CPRO) will present a vision for specific concepts and tools for the improvement of Columbia Pike, the "main street" of South Arlington.
The presentation will provide a brief view of the proposed plan for the entire length of the Pike in Arlington, and will go into detail on the Barcroft section of the Pike. The primary Barcroft elements of the proposed plan will be on the realignment of the Four Mile Run intersection, and changes to the County's design and density standards for selected sites along the Pike. The Four Mile Run intersection is one of the focal points of the plan, which will attempt to provide incentives to property owners to participate in the redevelopment effort, along with strategic investments of County economic development funds.
The planning process is at a crossroads. The first two phases have offered a chance to provide input on the community's general preferences regarding the Pike's future, with some general concepts and visions laid out for public comment. Forums were held on public services and affordable housing. This part of the planning process is complete, and the County staff and CPRO is now moving ahead with finalizing the proposed revitalization plan and presenting it to the County Board in June or July of this year.
CPRO and County staff are currently engaged in an extensive outreach effort to the civic associations (13 meetings on specific neighborhood plan elements) and to the business community. Community-wide forums on the plan will be held in the Spring. The goal of this final phase of the planning work is to solicit comments and support from those affected by the plan, and to bring a consensus plan to the County Board for approval. Now is the time to engage and let the planners know what you want to happen, or perhaps not happen. If you have questions about the plan, the County's website will include the latest plan proposals, or you can contact me, BSCL's representative to CPRO, Bryant Monroe.
Our End of Year 2000 Fundraiser
By now you've received our fundraiser letter dated late December. Our Treasurer reports that as of January 7, 2001, 45 households have responded with checks totaling $1,578. He expects that many more checks will arrive before this time next month. This effort was generously undertaken by Joann Barnhart.
Many major Community House renovations and restorations have been completed due to the generosity of our neighborhood.
Donations in memory of Carroll Letellier covered the entire cost of the beautiful new landscaping.
We've received or been promised a major portion of the monies for the Handicapped (Funds, continued from front) ramp. These came from the Stambaugh Foundation, Tidewater Research, and a very generous anonymous donation. We also have raised $500 toward a much desired curtain for the stage. The estimated cost of which is $1,500.
Other major restorations that remain include replacing the old wallboard, restoring the original ceiling, upgrading hall and stage lighting, repairing the windows, and repainting both the interior and exterior.
The renovation effort has been going on for several years, but that's what it takes to not only raise the funds, but also find reliable contractors at reasonable prices. We are most fortunate to have members who know how to do this, others who have provided supplies at cost, and many more who have willingly donated their time for the hard work on the floor, the landscaping, and many other labor intensive jobs.
We appreciate any response you can make to the current effort. Make your tax-deductible check to the BSCL Community House Fund, and mail it to:
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 S. Buchanan St
Arlington, VA 22204
Thanks! Gary Lefebvre, Treasurer
The BSCL Relies on the Generosity of Our Community
Volunteer of the Month
The Volunteer of the Month Award goes to Barcroft Community House restoration fundraiser JoAnne Barnhart, of S. 8th St. JoAnne stepped forward instantly when I begged at the July 4 picnic for someone to take over the job. Most people wisely focus on their potato salad or beer when they hear such pleas. Turns out she's a professional fundraiser who, among other things, raised money for former Sen. Roth's campaign in Delaware (the aging Roth's defeat last fall was due to his passing out after a campaign speech, not any failure by JoAnne to pass the hat.) JoAnne's campaign in Barcroft involved a neighborhood-wide mailing over the holidays. She wrote the letters, stuffed the envelopes, and bought postage for both the letter and the return. Meanwhile, her assistant is researching historic preservation grants and looking for corporate backers like our friends at Home Depot. It's great to have professional help. Now, let's thank JoAnne by making this fundraiser the best ever.
Speedy Coincidence?
The morning after County Board Jay Fisette attended the BSCL's January meeting and listened to our tales of traffic woes, two motorcycle cops showed up in the 600 block of South Buchanan to nail speeders. They were observed writing several tickets, and returned a week letter, when they wrote 10 tickets between 7 and 9 a.m., BSCL Vice President Pat Williamson Edwards reports. Most cars were traveling in the 40-45 mph range. The officers plan to return. Thanks, officers! Our advice: Go get 'em!!
Stay Safe, Stay Calm, Drive Sanely!
Trav Fick Says
Barcroft applied on January 25 for Traffic Calming. That's Trav Fick's plan, writing this on January let it be! We requested Traffic Calming now for Buchanan and Pershing (after all, they are really one street). For the long-range plan, we included the streets whose data show 85% speed at 30 mph or above: 3rd, 4th east of Abingdon, Taylor, Abingdon, and 6th west of Taylor. At the February 1st BSCL meeting you will know if the plan began! The next step is to form the Working Group. Its role includes creating and writing the proposal, contacting neighbors for input, winning support for traffic calming generally and approval for specific measures, collaborating with representatives from NTCC and the County TC staff. We will use the newsletter, monthly meetings, and email to share information and progress. All the work with the Traffic Survey of 1997 will finally be used. If you would like to participate, please contact Elaine Squeri, Traffic Committee. We have three months to line up all the requirements so join in!
Barcroft Chat
Greetings! You are being invited to a new list of the Barcroft School and Civic League. Currently, you're on a one-way list used for announcements. This new list will enable members to chat about neighborhood issues. Please join us! Your name will remain on the one-way list for announcements even if you don't join this one.
To start sending messages to members of this group, simply send email to
If you do not wish to belong to bsclchat, you may unsubscribe by sending an email to
You may also visit the eGroups web site to modify your subscriptions:
Moderator, bsclchat
Barn Dance at the Community House
Friday February 2, at 8:00 p.m. Caller Liz Donaldson will teach contra, square and circle dances, plus a dance or two just for kids, to the live music of JumpStart (Julie Gorka, piano and fiddle, Jim Besser, guitar and concertina, and Kathy Kerr, fiddle). Liz is well-known in the Washington area as a fun and lively caller. Dance experience not necessary! Just bring comfy shoes and prepare to have a good time. Kids welcome with parents. Adults $7, Kids $5, Families $15 For more info, call Julie Gorka at 703-979-0339.
Amazing Neighbor
Mrs. Adaline Robertson lived in Barcroft from 1903-1997 (except 1949-1964), attended the Barcroft school (when it was a one room), enjoys the NEWS, and still contributes to the BSCL. Thanks!
Church Construction
Our Savior Lutheran Church and School is launching a $2.2 million construction project that is slated to break ground in June. They will add four classrooms onto the back of the existing school to replace the temporary trailer there now. They'll also add half a gymnasium onto the back of the church. No increase in enrollment is planned, and the parking lot's relocation to another part of the church property will actually increase the number of spaces, says Pastor Wayne Lehrer. A stormwater pool will be moved underground.
Pastor Lehrer presented his plans at the January BSCL meeting, and once he assured us that enrollment would not increase, there were no objections. In fact, the project will fulfill a longstanding desire by both the BSCL and the church to replace the trailer. The disappearance of the drainage pond should also be an improvement. Any questions about the project or problems related to construction when it begins should be addressed to Wayne Schroeder, a church member who lives on S. Taylor St. His number is 703-920-9346. Target date for completion is early 2002.
In other church construction news, the Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Church at 9th and Wakefield has erected a splendid new free-standing tower. Since I procrastinated until the last day before deadline in writing this article, church officials couldn't be reached for comment.
Community Toys for Tots Drive Held
The Community House once again proved to be a warm and inviting place where good things happen for Barcroft neighbors. Just 10 days before Christmas, Barcrofters joined together to meet, greet and eat-all for a good cause. The festive gathering collected nearly fifty toys for needy children as part of the annual Toys for Tots drive. Many thanks to those who attended and a special recognition to Frank Vega of 4th Street who organized the event and brought smiles to so many faces!
Around the Neighborhood with Kathy Kerr
Congratulations to Paula Levin-Alcorn and Bob Alcorn on 4th St. S.. Their new baby, Jenna Levin Alcorn, was born December 12, 2000. The welcoming committee included Ollie, the family's four year old greyhound, and two cats, Simon and Garfunkel. The Levin-Alcorns have lived in Barcroft since June, 1998. Paula is a social worker and Bob is a software engineer. With all those pets, they decided to start a pet sitting co-op. Barcrofters trade care for their pets. There are even some members who have no pets of their own, but enjoy caring for animals while their owners are away. For more information, call 703-892-3131.
Barcrofter Collin Wigfield-Gorka, a junior at HB Woodlawn, won two Gold Key awards in the Scholastic Art Awards for Arlington County. His two photo triptychs will be on exhibit in the Ellipse Gallery from January 16-February 17. Next, his photos will move on to the state level competition. Collin is the son of BSCL president Mark Wigfield and Spaghettitone pianist/violinist Julie Gorka, on S. Buchanan.
Our Advertisers
Please support these good people who advertised in the Barcroft News this month:
- Cowboy Cafe - 2421 Columbia Pike - 703-486-3467
- The Big Guy & the Little Guy Home Improvement, Todd Otto 703-553-TODD
- Gary Lefebvre - Tax Preparation and Accounting -
- The Casey O'Neal Team - Real Estate - 703-824-4196
The Barcroft Community House can be rented for your
special event. Call 521-1116 for more information or send an email to
For the most up-to-date listing of Barcroft events, please consult our Web page Calendar.
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editors - Mark Rom, 486-2983
Publisher/Mailing - Lisa Rom, 486-2983
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2000-2001
President - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Vice President - Pat Williamson Edwards, 521-1082
Recording Secretary - Bruce Atkinson, 979-4868
Treasurer - Gary Lefebvre, 521-0184
Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Tope, 920-2567
Membership Secretary - Peg Lefebvre, 521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 892-0308
Traffic Committee - Elaine Squeri 920-7014
Parade - Andrew Hunter 979-8247
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 271-0944
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Daphne Miller 920-5681
Crime - vacant
Parks - vacant
Volunteers - Scott Royal 553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes,
and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one, but pretty close.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 521-1116

This page was last revised on: January 25, 2001.