The Barcroft News
March, 2001 - Volume 98, Number 7
March Meeting: Barcroft History
Celebrate our local history at the March 1 meeting at 7:30 p.m. at our very own historic Community House, 800 South Buchanan Street. Arlington County staff historian, Michael Leventhal, will provide information on County efforts to survey the Barcroft neighborhood for placement on the National Register for Historic Places. He will explain the process and its potential ramifications.
Randy Swart, Chairman of the Barcroft History Committee, will update us on the work that will be undertaken by this committee to prepare a history of our neighborhood for publication to coincide with our very own Centennial year, 2003. He will be seeking more recruits to assist in this effort. The Columbia Pike Redevelopment plan will also be discussed.
Murder at the Pool Hall
In early February a fourth murder occurred at Hi-Cue, the pool hall in the shopping center at Columbia Pike and George Mason Drive. Police say it was during a fight when a group was beating an individual who had just emerged from Hi-Cue, and the victim stabbed one of the attackers in self defense. We have more details on the Barcroft Web site. Everybody concerned was from somewhere outside of Arlington.
Tim Lynch of the Columbia Pike Renovation Organization organized the traditional after-the-murder meeting, including representatives of the pool hall, the property owners, Police Chief Edward Flynn, Third Police District Commander Steve Holl, the officer who had been guarding Hi-Cue (but was responding to a nearby police call at that moment), BSCL President Mark Wigfield, several other Barcrofters, other nearby civic associations and two County Board members: Chairman Jay Fisette and member Charles Monroe.
After two hours the meeting concluded with almost no results. Charles Monroe will check with the County on possible restrictions to Hi-Cue's business license, but doubts that the County can do much. The owners are waiting for our ideas on what to do, but refuse to consider terminating Hi-Cue's 2003 lease, even if more murders occur. CPRO is trying to keep the lines of communication open. The police have been doing a great job of keeping the lid on Hi-Cue and will continue to do their best. Hi-Cue will continue to hire off-duty police officers to keep order in the pool hall and parking lot on weekends. In short, Hi-Cue goes on.
In the longer term, the shopping center is overdue for renovation, and the owners are considering that. One Barcrofter present noted that our only recourse seems to be to make it uneconomic somehow for the owners to keep tolerating the pool hall, since all leases can be terminated if owners really want to. If anybody has ideas about that, please contact Mark Wigfield at 703-979-0339.
Barcroft needs a new Crime Resistance Committee Chair, too.
Insurance Expert Needed
Someone familiar with the insurance market is needed to help us upgrade the community house insurance policy. The house is woefully underinsured -- $80,000 -- but our company is reluctant to insure it for more. Further research revealed that companies aren't eager to write policies for facilities like ours. Any suggestions? Please call BSCL President Mark Wigfield at 703-979-0339, or e-mail him at
Barcroft History Project Launched
On January 21st the Barcroft History Committee met and laid plans for producing a neighborhood history. The group will begin researching documents and learning how to conduct oral history interviews. Publication plans are still to be determined. You may see the material on the Web before it appears in print, but we are still thinking terms of a book. Please call committee chair Randy Swart at 703-521-2080 if you are interested in joining us, have old Barcroft photos, or would like to be interviewed on your recollections of life here over the years.
Stream Clean-Up
Barcroft's annual clean-up of Grandma's Creek will be held on Saturday, March 10, to coincide with the clean-up that same day of Four Mile Run. Extra help - and perhaps a chain saw - is needed this year to clear the trees that have fallen across the path at Grandma's Creek, which flows through ravine in the just west of S. Buchanan St. Volunteers should meet at the corner of 6th and Pershing/Buchanan at 9:30 a.m.
Parking Banned at Buchanan and Columbia Pike
A complaint to police and an appeal by Del. Karen Darner about parking problems and congestion at Columbia Pike and S. Buchanan produced some results. The Department of Public Works banned parking on the east side of Buchanan at the bottom of the hill, dislodging a large yellow panel truck that was perpetually parked at the intersection, crowding traffic. Police will be monitoring commercial and vendor vehicle parking, and consideration will be given to expanding the no-parking zone. That could help bring some relief to the intersection, although it remains a real bottleneck. Thanks to Arlington County Police Capt. Steve Holl for getting the ball rolling on this one.
However, the county would only say it is ``aware" of Karen's request to close the Buchanan Street entrance to the shopping mall. Nor will it put the county's red light camera at Route 50 and Henderson, as we requested. It seems that a survey showed it's needed more at Manchester Street, to our west.
Car Theft Alert
Arlington Police Capt. Steve Holl reports that a number of cars have been stolen when owners leave them running unattended. Owners were either warming the vehicles up or were making a quick trip into a convenience store. Holl suggests you shut your car off and take the keys with you.
Holl also reports additional officers, both plainclothes and uniformed, have been patrolling the 3rd District, which includes Barcroft, since Feb. 1. Please report suspicious activity to 703-228-4097.
Columbia Pike Plan Raises Concerns -More at March Meeting
Barcroft residents attending the February BSCL meeting got their first close-up view of the blueprint for redeveloping our stretch of Columbia Pike, part of the county's plan to spark redevelopment of the entire three-and-one-half mile corridor in Arlington. We'll be talking more about the plan at the BSCL's March 1 meeting, so please attend.
The plan encourages redevelopment along several existing "nodes" on the Pike; in Barcroft, the nodes are at S. Buchanan and S. George Mason Drive. Broadly, the plan uses economic incentives to entice property owners to redevelop their properties along guidelines that reflect the county's "Urban Village" concept: Pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, with parking placed behind buildings moved forward to emulate a traditional Main Street.
But the county's plan drew a lot of criticism from residents who felt that that redevelopment proposed at the Pawn Shop strip at S. Buchanan, along with a proposed street realignment there could increase cut-through traffic in the neighborhood. Reaction was more positive regarding redevelopment of the Food Star site at S. George Mason Drive, although that will likely be driven more by the desires of the landlord to replace the Food Star with a major grocer rather than the county's proposed plan.
Concern was also voiced regarding potential displacement of businesses that may not be attractive but are valued. Several people cited one example, which is actually outside of Barcroft: Jim and Danny's car repair behind the 7-11 at S. Columbus on the other side of the Pike in Columbia Forest, sitting atop John Barcroft's old mill. The north side of Columbia Pike between Buchanan and Wakefield presented some interesting contrasts: While residents defended the service station, they also seemed to agree that the used car lot at Wakefield is undesirable.
In addition, some residents questioned why the Pawn Shop shopping center should be changed at all, since it already provides needed services for low-income residents living in Buchanan Gardens. The plan envisions a new building, with office space stacked on top of first-floor retail, where rents will be higher. The whole structure would be re-oriented to interact with a major asset in our neighborhood, the W&OD trail.
One idea was a non-starter: Merging the two parallel branches of Four Mile Run Drive and aligning the new road with South Buchanan. Meant to smooth the passage of cars and pedestrians, we believe such an intersection would funnel traffic into Barcroft. Drastic and controversial traffic-calming measures - like blocking off Buchanan at Ninth -- could be needed to stop cut-throughs.
We also agreed that there must be a comprehensive traffic study at the Buchanan - Columbia Pike intersection to resolve how to untangle problems there. The planners were instructed to consult closely with V-Dot to make sure state highway demands don't simply steamroll county plans.
Some Barcrofters suggested an about-face from the plan: "down-zoning" to reduce density at S. Buchanan. This idea grew from the thought that this area should not be considered a "node" for redevelopment since it could turn S. Buchanan St. into more of thoroughfare than it is now.
But planners expressed doubt that down-zoning would even be possible. And it certainly would take away the tools planners want to use to encourage revitalization. They note that the county can only encourage private property owners to follow county redevelopment guidelines - not force adherence - through incentives like a roughly 15 percent increase in density, tax abatements and expedited planning. Arguably, down-zoning would be saying we're ready to live with the status quo along that block.
Still, the neighborhood could benefit from a more walkable, pleasant streetscape. Let's face it: our stretch of Columbia Pike now is a sorry example of early suburban sprawl: ugly, inhospitable and inconvenient, not to mention run-down. The ideal would be to improve the Pike while minimizing displacement and fixing - not worsening - traffic problems. Clearly, that will take some doing. Your input would be welcome. Planners hope to submit a final blueprint to the county board by summer.
Barcroft School News
The Barcroft PTA created two music scholarships in honor of Nadene Forsyth, the kindergarten instructional assistant who died last month. They will go to a 4th grader and a 5th grader and will cover each student's $40 cost of renting a musical instrument through the school system for the year. It was the intention of the PTA that these scholarships be an annual gift, i.e., not just for this year.
The Virginia State Reading Association (VSRA) has selected Barcroft Principal Miriam Hughey-Guy for a statewide award recognizing her exceptional leadership in reading and literacy efforts. She received the James D. Mullins Leadership Award on February 24 at the VSRA conference.
More $$$ for Neighborhoods?
At our March meeting we will discuss and vote on a resolution to support a $1 million increase in funds for the Neighborhood Conservation program. The County Manager has identified $12 million not spoken for yet in the $560 million plus budget, and the scramble is on to either a) cut taxes or b) spend the money for something we need. Advocates for many programs are competing to spend the money. In fact most of it may have to be spent on schools and may not really be available. Should be BSCL advocate that $1 million be added to Neighborhood Conservation funds? Be there on March 1st to hear the arguments and vote!
Volunteer Cleans Up!
A volunteer is needed to wheel the community house trash carts to the curb for trash pick-up day and then wheel them back the next day. Our current volunteer needs relief. This job offers excellent health benefits: A twice-weekly walk to the community house that will enhance any exercise routine. If you can help, please call volunteer coordinator Scott Royal at 703-553-0909 or
Barcroft Book Fair
The Barcroft Elementary School will be holding their annual Book Fir from March 5 - March 9. If anyone would like to volunteer time to help sell books or would like to come by and browse through the selection of Scholastic children's titles the School would love to have you. Visitors should stop by the school office for a pass and directions to the Fair. Volunteers should call Anna Peterson, 703-521-8756 or Lisa Rom, 703-486-2983 to schedule dates and times.
Barn Dance
On Friday, March 2, at 8:00 p.m. Liz Donaldson calls to the live music of JumpStart (Jim Besser, guitar and concertina, Kathy Kerr, fiddle, and Julie Gorka, piano and fiddle.) Friendly community dance for dancers and non-dancers of all ages. Some contras, some squares and circles. Barcroft Community House. $7/adults, $5/kids, $15/families. For more info, call Julie Gorka, 703-979-0339.
BSCL Membership News
There's good news from our Membership Secretary. She reports that we currently have 525 adult members from 309 Barcroft households. This is now higher than any year since 1996.
As great as that is, we'd like to see it even higher. Ideally, we'd like to see membership at 50 or even 60% of households. Currently we're at 39%.
Dues are only $3 per adult. A membership form is available on the Barcroft web page ( Or you can get one from Peg Lefebvre 703-521-0184.
If you haven't renewed your membership, are new to the neighborhood, or just haven't joined yet, we need your support too!
Fundraiser Update
Between January 7th and February 14th, we received 23 more donations. This added $1,053 to the Fundraiser Effort, and brings the total to date to $2,613.
If you can, we will definitely appreciate any contribution you make to the current effort. Make your tax-deductible check to the BSCL Community House Fund, and mail it to:
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 S. Buchanan St
Arlington, VA 22204
Barcroft Players Take to the Stage
A new theater group called the Barcroft Players formed in January to bring the Community House stage to life. The group is recruiting cast and supporting staff, with the first goal to present a one act play in May. Please call Barbara Swart at 703-521-2080 if you are interested.
Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus Concert
On Saturday, March 3, the Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus presents "It's a Great Day for the Irish" at 2:15 and 8:15 PM, Thomas Jefferson Community Theatre with local high school Madrigals and comedy quartet. $10/$8 matinee & $12/$10 evening. (703) 521-9331.
Hatha Yoga Classes
Every Wednesday 7 - 8:30 p.m. Hatha Yoga classes are taught at the Barcroft Community Center, 800 S. Buchanan Street, Arlington. STRETCH your body and mind, ENERGIZE with Hatha Yoga. Learn how to BREATH DEEPLY, COPE with STRESS. Cost is $48.00 for 6 classes or $10.00 for a drop in class. Dress comfortably, no food before class. Bring a blanket or exercise mat, floor is hard. For more information call Ishwari, 703-998-0813
Calling all Crawlers, Tots & Parents!
Interested in a playgroup, organized outings or less formal get togethers?? Give me a call: Fairis Walker (aka Molly & Carter's Mom) 703-521-2397.
Our Advertisers
Please support these good people who advertised in the Barcroft News this month:
- Cowboy Cafe - 2421 Columbia Pike - 703-486-3467
- The Big Guy & the Little Guy Home Improvement, Todd Otto 703-553-TODD
- Gary Lefebvre - Tax Preparation and Accounting -
- The Casey O'Neal Team - Real Estate - 703-824-4196
- Annie's Garden - Gardening help from a Barcrofter - 703-979-0054
The Barcroft Community House can be rented for your
special event. Call 521-1116 for more information or send an email to
For the most up-to-date listing of Barcroft events, please consult our Web page Calendar
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editors - Mark Rom, 486-2983
Publisher/Mailing - Lisa Rom, 486-2983
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2000-2001
President - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Vice President - Pat Williamson-Edwards, 521-1082
Recording Secretary - Bruce Atkinson, 979-4868
Treasurer - Gary Lefebvre, 521-0184
Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Tope, 920-2567
Membership Secretary - Peg Lefebvre, 521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 892-0308
Traffic Committee - Elaine Squeri 920-7014
Parade - Andrew Hunter 979-8247
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 271-0944
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Daphne Miller 920-5681
Crime - vacant
Parks - vacant
Volunteers - Scott Royal 553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes,
and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one, but pretty close. All telephone numbers are 703 area code.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 703-521-1116

This page was last revised on: March 21, 2001.