The Barcroft News
April, 2001 - Volume 98, Number 8
April Meeting: Gardening Advice
Spring is really here and the gardens of Barcroft will be a joy for all to behold. Please come to our next meeting on Thursday, April 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the Barcroft Community House and enjoy a program featuring super gardening advice from three of Barcroft's most wonderful gardeners. Shirley Gay, Elaine Squeri and Sue Tenenbaum will make the presentation at this meeting and give LOTS of time for audience participation questions.
The panel's expertise is widely varied including native plants and butterfly gardening, annuals, perennials, small trees and shrubs. This will be a really fun evening. Maybe we will get a "plant swapping" group started!
Shirley, Elaine and Sue invite us to come early (7 pm) and browse through their collections of gardening books, magazines, and catalogues to help inspire us with lots of ideas and questions.
Easter Egg Hunt
The Annual Barcroft Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April 14. It will take place at the Community House and will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Don't be late! Please bring your own basket to collect the eggs. Coffee and baked goods will be on sale. If you can donate a baked good please contact Lisa Palance at 703-979-8366. In the event of inclement weather, the egg hunt will be held inside the Community House.
Few things are as magical as our neighborhood in the open the doors, fling open the shutters, and greet your neighbors.
Columbia Pike Revitalization Plan
This is a draft of Barcroft's proposed response to the Columbia Pike redevelopment plan for our stretch of the Pike. As you may recall, CPRO and county planners made a presentation in February and Bryant Monroe, our CPRO representative, drafted this response. The BCSL discussed and slightly modified the draft at the March meeting. Any comments would be welcome.
General Comment:
The BSCL supports the need for and timeliness of the current focus on improving Columbia Pike. The "Pike" is in dire need of a vision for a better future along with coordinated efforts and resources to achieve the plan's goals. The BSCL supports the CPRO and County staff efforts, and the commitment by the County Board to further this initiative.
II. Four Mile Run Intersection:
The proposed plan designates the Four Mile Run as a one of four nodes for significant revitalization efforts. These efforts would likely include increasing the density (including both the Pawn Shop strip center and the Goodwill Plaza) and realignment of the traffic pattern at this intersection. The plan would encourage moving the store fronts to the street, with parking in the rear. The buildings would include office space above retail on the first floor. The current zoning designation offers some room for growth, and the BSCL looks for the plan to identify how this permitted density might increase
BSCL Position
* The Columbia Pike plan should not designate this intersection as a development node. Rather, the plan should designate this as a neighborhood commercial retail area at a lower density.
* The County should undertake a traffic study of the Four Mile Run/Buchanan Street intersection, with an emphasis on traffic impacts on the Barcroft neighborhood, with substantive involvement by the Barcroft community. The study's findings must be incorporated into the Columbia Pike plan, specifically working to avoid negative traffic and parking impacts on Barcroft neighborhood streets.
* The BSCL feels strongly that the traffic study findings should not pursue merging the two branches of Four Mile Run to meet better with Buchanan Street. The BSCL is dead set against any proposal that would funnel cut-through traffic into Barcroft.
* The Pawn Shop strip center should be studied for opportunities to better connect with the bike path.
III. George Mason Drive Intersection
The proposed plan designates this intersection as a major development node. The plan will explore possible ways to bring appropriate development to the four corners of this intersection, including bringing the nearby park and waterway into the development motif.
BSCL Position: The plan should encourage enhanced development at this intersection. The ongoing problems at the Food Star site are ample reason to move in this direction as soon as possible
IV. Improving Coordination with VDOT
The critical role VDOT will play in any Columbia Pike effort cannot be overstated. The planning process appears to have had little success to date in bringing VDOT into the current deliberations.
BSCL Position: The planning process should aggressively seek VDOT's participation in the planning process, including the traffic studies that will be a key component of this effort.
V. Preserving Neighborhood Businesses
The Barcroft neighborhood values the community services which are available currently on the Pike. A variety of shops serve the diverse population along the Pike, notably at the Buchanan Street intersection. Other local favorites include "Jim and Danny's" auto repair shop.
BSCL Position: The plan should include business retention components to help existing businesses benefit from the Pike's revitalization. The Plan should strive to accommodate local retail and service businesses that would otherwise leave South Arlington or go out of business.
VI. Enhanced County Resources for Pike Revitalization
Arlington County does not, at this time, dedicate significant resources for economic development activities, particularly for large scale efforts such as the Pike revitalization. In additional to financial resources, innovation economic development practices could be brought into the County's economic development program.
BSCL Position: Without implementation resources the completed plan will not have significant impact on the Pike. The County should devote financial resources for strategic economic development investments, and should actively consider tools such as business investment district designation or expanding availability of tax credit programs to enable the plan's implementation.
New Baby-Sitting Co-op
A baby-sitting co-op is a group of parents who agree to trade baby-sitting on a point basis. When you sit for someone else's child (or children), you earn points. When someone else sits your child (or children) you spend points. No money is exchanged.
The Barcroft neighborhood has a successful baby-sitting co-op, which consists of 20 families. However, there is also a substantial waiting list for participation in that co-op. Consequently, some neighborhood families are forming a second baby-sitting co-op.
If you are interested in exploring this possibility of participating in the co-op, please contact Yvonne McIntire at 703-920-1428.
Barcroft Exchange
Free to good home: Small Bunny, white with black spots, ears and eyes. Mini-Rex with pedigree papers. Must be kept indoors; likes to be around people. Cage included.
Bunk beds. Wood, 2 singles. $50.
Antique furniture: 1860's bookcases with glass doors and adjustable shelves; oak bean bin from country store (six deep drawers with small windows in the front); mahogany table top stereoptic viewer; sofa with carved wooden frame(needs reupholstering); corner cupboard; 1940's black metal hamper with flowers on front. Other items may be available.
Trampoline 13', new, safer spring-less type. Half price. $100. Fun for kids of all ages.
For bunny, bunks, bookcases, or bounces call Carol at 703-685-9828 (evenings) or 202-606-1775 (days).
Trav Fick is Flying High (at 25 mph)
Barcroft will be considered for Traffic Calming in May. That will be the start of the program's second funding cycle. The Traffic Calming staff will select the neighborhood streets with the most serious problems according to the priority points explained earlier (Dec.'00). As of March 5, the five highest streets are:
- S. Buchanan has 112 priority points
- Old Glebe, 103
- Lexington and Highland, 82
- our Wakefield, 78.
When (I'll not say "if") we are selected, we will put out the call for volunteers for a Working Group. Two NTCC members will be assigned to help. Meanwhile, if you would like an interesting book to expand your view of community building and its relationship to architecture, sprawl, and traffic, read Suburban Nation. It's short, readable and packed with surprising information.
Neighborhood Day Parade
On Saturday afternoon, May 12, the now annual Arlington County Neighborhood Day Parade will march down Clarendon Boulevard. Always known for its great 4th of July Parade and other marching events, Barcroft will as usual provide a proud contingent. For several years we have enjoyed the marching of our Lawn Mower Brigade. We thought it might be fun to do a Bicycle Brigade this year. Barcroft kids (of all ages of course!!) could decorate their bikes with streamers, etc. and march proudly led by some of the members of the forming-as-we-speak Barcroft Commuter Bicyclists Brigade. Bikes, trikes, scooters, rollerblades -- all the fun ways we explore our wonderful neighborhood -- can be celebrated. Pat Williamson-Edwards will coordinate. Contact Pat at or phone, 703-521-1082 with your ideas. Detailed information from Arlington County on all facets of the celebration will be available soon.
"Take a Walk With the Board" Walk
Barcroft has been chosen for the county board's first ``walking town meeting,'' scheduled for Saturday, April 28, at 10 a.m. Essentially, board members will walk the neighborhood with us to see first-hand the neighborhood's problems and strengths. They'll be doing this all over the county in the coming months, and we're privileged to be the first.
A possible itinerary would include gathering at the community house and then strolling down S. Buchanan to Columbia Pike to look at the problem intersection there. Perhaps we could stroll through the shopping center, head up to the Hi Cue, and return via "Dead Man's Curve" to highlight the need to resolve a lingering toxic waste dispute that has kept the fenced-off lot at the corner from becoming a park.
Where do you think the Board should walk? Contact Mark Wigfield at 703-979-0339, or at, if you have some ideas.
Volunteers of the Month
This could qualify as a class action volunteers of the month. Nearly a dozen Barcrofters turned out on a relatively mild but windy March morning for two events, one heralding the arrival of Spring, the other a vestige of the passing winter.
Leaping forward into Spring for the annual Grandma's Creek Stream Cleanup were Eric Parker, Tom Booth, Randy Swart, Jim Kerr, Mark Wigfield, Cara and Jake Wigfield-Gorka, Ken and Daniel Edwards. This year's cleanup was remarkable for what we didn't find. There simply wasn't the kitchen's sink collection of junk - which probably has included a kitchen sink some years - that there has been in the past. A hubcap here, some bottles there, a few dog-poop bags flung into the underbrush. But the crew stayed busy clearing the path in the woods of a huge downed oak. Thanks to Jim's and Eric's chain saw, the path is clear again. Check out the new oak tree bridge across the creek.
Later, Don Vardell's Snow Shovel brigade fell back into winter to learn how to use the snow blower the county will loan us to help clear the walks of those who are unable to do so. The crew, consisting Ted Link, Duncan Wilkinson, Don, Mark and Randy, is now ready to go in the snow - as long as it's next winter. We're done with winter for now, whether it snows again or not.
Vacation Bible School
Our Savior Lutheran church, 925 S. Taylor St., will hold its Vacation Bible School for pre-school through 6th grade from Monday through Friday, June 25 - 29, in the mornings. Please contact Teresa Powell, 703-892-4846, for more information.
George Washington Dances!
Join us April 28 to learn dances George Washington and his neighbors did in Northern Virginia! Barbara Harding, a consultant on the dances of this period, will explain and lead the dancers through each dance. Beginners and singles are welcome. Live music will be performed by Peascods Gathering. The dance will be at the Barcroft Community House. The dances begin at 8 p.m. and end at 10:30. Those who are new to this style of dancing are invited to come at 7:45 for tips for beginners. Admission is $5.
Our Advertisers
Please support these good people who advertised in the Barcroft News this month:
- H. H. Saravia Home Improvement - 703-538-5076
- The Big Guy & the Little Guy Home Improvement, Todd Otto 703-553-TODD
- Petrona's Cleaning - 703-671-1791
- Gary Lefebvre - Tax Preparation and Accounting -
- The Casey O'Neal Team - Real Estate - 703-824-4196
- Cowboy Cafe - 2421 Columbia Pike - 703-486-3467
The Barcroft Community House can be rented for your
special event. Call 521-1116 for more information or send an email to
For the most up-to-date listing of Barcroft events, please consult our Web page Calendar
Thursday, April 5 ( BSCL Community Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Columbia Pike, Community House, 800 S. Buchanan Street.
- Saturday, April 14 ( Easter Egg Hunt, 10:00 a.m., Community House.
- Saturday, April 28 ( George Washington Dance, 8:00 p.m., Community House.
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editors - Mark Rom, 486-2983
Publisher/Mailing - Lisa Rom, 486-2983
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2000-2001
President - Mark Wigfield, 979-0339
Vice President - Pat Williamson-Edwards, 521-1082
Recording Secretary - Bruce Atkinson, 979-4868
Treasurer - Gary Lefebvre, 521-0184
Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Tope, 920-2567
Membership Secretary - Peg Lefebvre, 521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 892-0308
Traffic Committee - Elaine Squeri 920-7014
Parade - Andrew Hunter 979-8247
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 271-0944
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Daphne Miller 920-5681
Crime - vacant
Parks - vacant
Volunteers - Scott Royal 553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes,
and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one, but pretty close. All telephone numbers are 703 area code.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 703-521-1116

This page was last revised on: March 21, 2001.