The Barcroft News
November , 2001 - Volume 99, Issue 3
President's Report
- Pat Williamson
Thanks to the many neighbors who attended the October 4 monthly meeting. The meeting's main presentation was on the culmination of our Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project. An overwhelming majority of folks voted in support of the project as presented and the petition signing process began.
New Barcroft property owner, Campbell Lewis, presented a request for neighborhood support of his variance request on 614 S. Taylor Street. A majority of neighbors present voted in support of Mr. Lewis' request for the variance. At the Board of Zoning Adjustment meeting on October 10 the variance was denied by a vote of 3 -1.
Randy Swart and David Michaelson discussed changing the priorities of the projects requested through NCAC. A majority of neighbors present voted to make traffic calming on Abingdon Street and 3rd and 4th where they abut Abindgon the top NCAC funding request for this cycle; to make the drainage project at 4th and Taylor the second priority; and to drop the request for funds to assist in Community House renovations. We must now begin a petition process to make the new request formally to the NCAC.
Please check out our glorious, up-to-date website, Randy Swart is posting documents as they become available and you will be able to get all the details on votes, projects, meeting miunutes (thanks to Eric Parker), etc. Also, sign up through the website for Each subject is debated through the site.
- Frank Vega, 4th St. S
We were all struck by the horrific nature of the events of September 11. No one thought that such a thing could ever happen in the United States, let alone in our backyard. It is also unfortunate that such tragic events spur me to write this note but I will do it nonetheless.
Being from Los Angeles, I have always thought of Arlington as a small, sleepy suburb of Washington, D.C. Not any longer. Small, sleepy suburbs don't have the Police and Fire Departments we do.
We are extremely fortunate and should be very proud of the efforts of our local police and firefighters in responding to and dealing with the tragedy at the Pentagon. Professionalism, courtesy, and compassion are only a few of the words for describing their response and handling of the situation. We have a world-class Police Department and Fire Department and for that, we should be grateful.
While I am certain that a number of Arlington's finest live in Barcroft, I only personally know of one - my good neighbor Dan Murray (4th and Abingdon) who works for the Arlington Country Police Department. On September 11 and for endless days thereafter, Dan was putting in 12-hour shifts at the Pentagon. I saw him on a few occasions during that time and Dan was then what he always is--friendly, fun to talk with and a good neighbor. I knew his job was particularly difficult during those days but Dan maintained his professionalism. He is a respected expert in this field and a good friend, and I just wanted to pass along a word of sincere gratitude and thanks to Dan and, by extension, to his colleagues at the Arlington County Police and Fire Departments. Your efforts during this difficult time make me proud to be a resident of Arlington County, Virginia.
Got something to talk about?
Send in your ideas and opinions by the 10th of each month to get your two cents into the next Barcroft News. Email or call 271-0631.
November Meeting: Solutions to Sprawl
- Eric Harold
Are you concerned about the negative effects of sprawl development on our region and neighborhoods - air and water pollution, loss of open space, funneling of jobs, people, and resources away from inner-Beltway areas in need of revitalization, lack of affordable housing close to transit, and traffic congestion? Need a break from the traffic issues we have been struggling with over the summer? Then attend November's meeting, where a member of the Washington Regional Network for Livable Communities (WRN) will present "Solutions to Sprawl."
"Solutions to Sprawl" addresses the problems of sprawl development, WRN's proposed solutions, and how residents and community groups can get involved in their local area. The slide show brings together bits and pieces people may have heard about sprawl and smarter growth into a structured presentation. It provides an overview and a basic vocabulary to help inform the discussions and actions of community groups and individuals on land use, transportation, and community design issues. The presentation is 20 minutes.
WRN advocates transportation investments, land use policies, and community designs that enhance existing communities and the environment of the National Capital Region. WRN's goal is to create and sustain a network of walkable, bikeable communities, linked by quality transit, laced with parks, and surrounded by greenspace, with the District of Columbia as the hub of the region.
Next Community Meeting:
7:30 PM, Thursday
November 1
Community House
800 S. Buchanan Street
November Events
November 1: BSCL Meeting. Topic: Solutions to Sprawl, Community House
- November 3: Nature Center Arlington Bike Tour led by Park Rangers. Ages 15 and up. Call 703-228-3403 to register.
- November 9-10: Woman's Club of Arlington Holiday Boutique, 700 S. Buchanan St.
- November 12: Veteran's Day Holiday. No School
- November 17: County Board Meeting. 8:30 AM, 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 307.
- November 21-23: Thanksgiving Holiday. No school.
Please check our calendar page on the Web for updates.
November Event:
Holiday Boutique
The Woman's Club of Arlington will host a Holiday Boutique on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 9th and 10th, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Crafts, home-made jellies and jams, attic treasures, bakers items and soups, sandwiches, desserts and drink will be available 11 AM to 1:30 PM.
This is an annual fund raiser which is held at the Clubhouse (700 S Buchanan), across from the Community House. Proceeds go towards a scholarship fund for Wakefield High School graduates, to libraries and other local and national charities.
Around the Neighborhood
- Kathy Kerr
Congratulations to Rich and Moira McCormick whose new baby, Mary Kerrigan, was born
Aug 14, 2001. Kerrigan's sister, Callan, just turned two in September. The McCormicks moved to Barcroft in 1997, though Moira grew up in this area.
Rich works for Atlantic Coast Airlines (United Express.) Moira worked in finance and sales in the airline industry for a long time before recently
becoming a realtor with Long and Foster.
(Have any neighborhood news for Kathy? Send it to
Bad Mischief in the Woods
- The Shadow
Who's that walkin' in those woods?
I don't think it's little Red Ridin' Hood.
There's strange things happening along Grandma's Creek.
And this isn't even Halloween week.
First a dam across the creek.
It would have flooded a lake so deep.
Too bad that someone tore it down.
Before the rainstorms came to town.
But what's that on yonder hill I see?
A wooden fort perched up in a tree?
Yes, oh yes, but how can that be?
These woods are made for you and me,
Not private houses in a tree.
More dastardly yet, the sewer pipe.
A tempting target, stands upright.
The lid pried off, some rocks thrown in.
The sewage was just a bubblin'
Into the creek from out of the top.
This is bad, we called the cop(s)
And County Guys, who came to the block.
Hopped in the tube, threw out the rocks.
Took them over three hours to do.
And they'll come back again, install lock-down screws.
Strange thing to have to do.
But there's more. Look, the other end!
They've dammed up Grandma's Creek again.
This time, the culvert, underneath the bike path,
If that's plugged up, we'll all take a bath
In the New Lake Barcroft, Arlington, please.
Lakeside lots start at $1 million-and-three.
So those who pass through our fair woods,
Please stop trying to make bad floods!
I know that don't rhyme and this poetry's bad
But throwing rocks in sewers is pretty sad.
(Parents, do you know where your kids are? Joking aside, the sewer vandalism was a dangerous health risk which cost the county (us) real money to repair. For newcomers, Grandma's Creek woods usually IS a nice place. It cuts through the woodsy ravine to the west of S. Buchanan, which you can follow on a rough trail from Dead Man's Curve to the W&OD trail.)
Traffic Calming Progress
- Elaine Squeri
An important Traffic Committee milestone occurred at the October 4 BSCL Meeting: the approximately 45 attendees supported the proposed
Traffic Calming Plan drawn up by the Working Group over this past summer. There was one dissent.
The Petition Process is in full swing. The application for Traffic Calming will be submitted on October 29 if
we gather at least 60% approval on the Petitions. The Application will be posted on the BSCL website.
- Peg Lefebvre
Our membership year starts with September each year and runs through August of the next year. That means we are two full months into the new year. So far we've heard from 217 households, 15 of whom are new members. Welcome!
This is a reminder to those we have not heard from yet. Please don't put it off any longer. We need you all.
Dues are only $3 per adult or $6 per couple.
The membership form was distributed with the September newsletter. If you can't find it, you can pick one up at the 11/1/00 meeting, or you can get the form via e-mail. Send your request to If that doesn't work, call Peg Lefebvre at 703-521-0184.
Membership shows interest in our neighborhood. The larger our membership base, the greater influence we have with the county or other officials.
Last year membership was 41.5%. That's terrific! Maybe this year we can make it 50 or even 60%.
Check out the Barcroft website for the latest news!
History Committee Awakes
- Randy Swart
After a restful summer, the Barcroft History Committee has awoken for a more active fall.
We have been digesting recent donations of materials from Charlotte Manning, Phyl Kinsey, Dick Williams and others. We are ready to start on oral histories, so if you have Barcroft memories to share, please call Randy Swart at 703-521-2080 or send him an email to
We are also looking for old photos, since they are so interesting in local history books for the people who pass the same site every day.
Join Barcroft Email Lists
Barcroft has two e-mail lists, a one-way list used to announce key events, and an interactive “chat'' list where participants can converse on any neighborhood topic. To join either or both, go to our web site,, and look for the link under ``Late Breaking News'' on the home page. Questions? E-mail
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* Good References *Guaranteed Low Prices *Excellent Work
CALL PETRONA AT 703-671-1791
Long and Foster Realtors
It's still a sellers market in Barcroft! Homes in our neighborhood have sold this year for an average of 101% of the listed price in 10 days!*
Please call me at 703-271-7751 for a free, no obligation market analysis of your home.
Moira McCormick, REALTOR
Barcroft homeowner since 1997
Arlington Office
4600 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207
*MRIS data on all Barcroft homes listed & sold through 9/30/01.
Coming soon in North Barcroft!
2 New Luxury Homes!
Also, an existing Century Old Farmhouse will to be renovated
614 S. Taylor Street offered for sale at $495,000
* 5 Bedrooms, 3 finished levels
* 4 Bedrooms, 2 full baths on Upstairs level
* Basement rec room, and 5th bedroom/den
* 2 Car Garage, 11, 500 sq.ft lots
Call Casey O'Neal at 703-824-4196 or Rosemarie Johnson at
703-824-4195 RE/MAX Horizons,
Your neighborhood resident and specialists in 22204
The Women's Club of Arlington Presents
Holiday Boutique
Attic treasures! Baked goods! Holiday decorations! Crafts! Stitchery! Quilt & doll raffle! See's candy! Books! Food!
Friday & Saturday
November 9-10
9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
700 S Buchanan Street, Arlington,, Virginia
Bob & Edith's
New Barcroft Location!!!
4707 Columbia Pike
6:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Breakfast all day long
Original Location
2310 Columbia Pike
Open 24 Hours!
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editor - Christina Cavoli, 703-271-0631
Publisher/Mailing - Susan Hunn, 703-892-6179
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 703-979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 703-892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 703-892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2001-2002
President - Pat Williamson-Edwards, 703-521-1082
Vice President -- Eric Harold - 703-486-0879,
Recording Secretary -- We need you!
Treasurer - - Gary LeFebvre - 703-521-0184
Corresponding Secretary -- Eric Parker -- 703-486-3649,
Membership Secretary -- Peg LeFebvre - 703-521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 703-553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 703-979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 703-892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 703-920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 703-892-0308
Arlington Mill Community Center -- Bill Lykes, 703-892-4422
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 703-271-0944 -
Crime - vacant
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Darlene Mickey
Parade -- Andrew Hunter, 703-979-8247
Parks -- Shelley Fichtner, 703-486-0856
Traffic /B> - Elaine Squeri 703-920-7014,
Volunteers - Scott Royal 703-553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes,
and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one, but pretty close except for formatting for the Web.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 703-521-1116

This page was last revised on: July 24, 2005.