The Barcroft News
January, 2002 - Volume 99, Issue 5
President's Report
- by Pat Williamson Edwards
What a wonderful holiday party! Many thanks to organizers, musicians, snack bearers, performers and most of all the delightful Barcroft children who really loved both Santa and that wild and crazy Grinch! Each Barcroft event is a reminder of what a wonderful neighborhood we have.
Our Neighborhood Traffic Calming projects for both Buchanan and Wakefield Streets were formally presented to the Arlington County NTCC on December 10. Funding was unanimously approved for the humps (probably the new, improved "cushions"— see pg. 6 for more info), traffic circles, curb lines and crosswalk painting. indicators would be redundant since we were getting the humps and circles. See pg. 8 for a Trav Fick update.
The Demeter House Advisory Committee met on December 11. Jane Shea, Jonas Robinson, Mark Wigfield, Pat Williamson Edwards, Darlene Mickey and Eileen Melia represent the BSCL. Representatives from the Barcroft School PTA, Our Savior Lutheran Church and the Unitarian Church are being sought by the Vanguard staff. Meetings are quarterly and the next is scheduled for March 12. The meetings are open to everyone, and the Demeter House staff is anxious to hear any comments or concerns of the neighbors.
The Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization is holding Community Forums again. Bryant Monroe is the Barcroft liaison with CPRO. We publicize all meetings through e-mail. Please sign up to be on the BSCL news lit. Contact
The Arlington Mill Community Center is in the design planning stages. Bill Lykes is the Barcroft representative. Contact Bill if you are interested in providing input for this project. See pg. 10 for further information on community forums.
Our wonderful newsletter editor, Christina Cavoli, is doing a terrific job. She wants your news and ads. E-mail her at Kudos to publisher and distribution editor Susan Hunn. She is determined to see that each of you get your newsletter on time, meaning PRIOR to the first Thursday of each month so you will know what will be presented at the monthly meeting. Call Christina at 271-0631 if you or a neighbor does not receive a newsletter.
At the January 26 Arlington County Board meeting, a request to increase the number of children from five to nine at a family daycare center at 4511 S. 6th Street will be on the docket. We will discuss this at the January BSCL meeting and prepare a neighborhood position to present to the Board.
Happy New Year!
8th Annual Barcroft Spaghetti Dinner!
Join your neighbors for an evening of
fine Italian dining and music.
Jan. 27, 5-7 PM
Community House
See pg. 7 for more details
Dramatic Beginnings
Barcroft Players Plan for another great year at January 27th meeting
By Barbara Swart
The Barcroft Players theater group had a fantastic first year in 2001 with their initial Chili Dinner Theater performance of two David Ives plays. So many people attended that it was standing room only. And judging from the laughter throughout the performance (yes, they were comedies) and the standing ovation at the end, everyone enjoyed the performances.
The experience was so enjoyable that the Players intend to have another great year. The first meeting of 2002 of the group will be held at 7:30 P.M. on January 27th at the home of Randy and Barbara Swart at 4611 S. 7th Street. The meeting will be to talk about our 2002 theater season, including the selection of plays. If you can't make the first meeting, but want to join in the action, please call Barbara Swart at (703) 521-2080.
Everyone is welcome to attend, young and old alike. There will be things to do for people interested in all phases of putting on a show – onstage and backstage. You don’t have to be experienced, but if you are, so much the better. Please join us for a fun and imaginative experience!
Christmas Trees: The Final Chapter
During the first two weeks in January, Christmas trees are collected curbside for residents with curbside refuse and recycling service. The collection this year will run from January 7 through January 18. Residents are reminded to place the tree on the curb no later than 6 AM on their regular refuse collection day and to remove all decorations, nails, stands, and plastic bags.
Residents that do not have curbside recycling service may also bring their Christmas trees to the Solid Waste Division between January 7 - 18, after scheduling an appointment. Please call 703-228-6570 for additional information.
All Christmas trees are ground into wood mulch which is available to all Arlington citizens
Did You Know?
Virginia Vehicle Registration Stickers
By David Kyle
Most cities and counties of Virginia require a county decal to be displayed on the front windshield of each vehicle next to the State inspection sticker. All personal property taxes and outstanding parking violations must be paid before a decal is issued for any vehicles registered to that owner.
Arlington County Police will ticket all vehicles garaged, stored, or parked in Arlington County which do not display a valid Arlington County decal. Furthermore, beginning on November 16, police departments of surrounding jurisdictions will issue tickets to Arlington-based vehicles which are not displaying a valid Arlington decal.
An Arlington County decal is required to be displayed within 30 days of the vehicle's entrance into Arlington or within 30 days of purchasing the vehicle. Upon payment of all outstanding Arlington County personal property taxes and parking tickets, a decal will be issued.
What all of this says is that with very few exceptions, if you live (own, rent or live with someone) in Arlington, you should have Virginia Tags on your vehicle and an Arlington County tag in the windshield. The Commissioner of the Revenue even has a Tax Evader Hotline!! For vehicles that are normally parked in Arlington County but are not displaying a valid County decal, please call the Hotline at 703-228-3030.
Express Yourself
Join Barcroft Neighbors in Creating a Work of Art
By Bridget Fitzpatrick
The 2002 Global Art Project is gearing up and Barcroft neighbors are joining in! Beginning in March, individuals and groups will create works of art expressing their visions of global unity. In April, these works will be exchanged with artists around the world.
If you would like to join a Barcroft group in creating an art piece for the 2002 Global Art Project, contact Bridget Fitzpatrick at 703-521-9075 or Artists of all kinds--experienced, new, jaundiced, wide-eyed--are welcome!
For more information about the Project, visit
Kindermusik is Coming!
Beginning January 22, Kindermusik classes will be offered by Lisa Palance at the Community House.
Kindermusik is a nationally recognized music and movement program that has been in existence for more than twenty years. The Kindermusik belief is that musical learning is more than music alone. Music is a powerful stimulant for a child's total development. With a delightful mix of songs and activities, each
class is thoughtfully designed for specific learning and developmental goals. Every lesson moves at the child's pace. Classes will be offered for children from birth through age three on Tuesday or Thursday morning. Each class meets once a week for forty-five minutes, and the course runs for fifteen weeks. Class sizes are limited. For more information please call Lisa Palance at 571-275-5351.
Wanted: A Few Good Tomatoes
Arlington's West End Community Market Seeks Vendors
Do you want to sell fruits, vegetables, herbs and other produce? Do you make quality arts and crafts items?
A new monthly community market is scheduled to start next spring on the west end of Columbia Pike. If you are interested in selling goods, call 228-6417 for a vendor application and guidelines. Applications are also available at the main office in the Arlington Mill Community Center (4975 Columbia Pike). All applications are due by Jan, 18th!
Pitching in on 9/11
By Randy Swart
At least two from our neighborhood helped Arlington's firefighters at the Pentagon on September 11 and the days that followed.
When the smoke and flames rose up and persisted, Karen Murry, a massage therapist, knew she had a unique talent that could make a contribution to the well-being of our firefighters. She moved her massage table down to Fire Station Five in Pentagon City and offered free relaxation massages to the public service staffers working long hours there under stress. Kudos to Karen, who said "there were some mighty relaxed-looking public safety people walking around that firehouse."
Barcrofter Elinor Schwartz also pitched in, working with the Arlington Chapter of the Red Cross on purchasing and delivering food. She was part of the task force on following days who applied public health guidelines to eliminate food that might have been spoiled. Elinor said that because she had worked with the Red Cross and taken a number of courses there in previous years, it was easy for her to figure out how to make a contribution.
There were no doubt others from our neighborhood who contributed to the volunteer efforts on that day. The spirit of public service is alive and well here!
County Tests New Speed Hump
By Randy Swart
Our speed humps on Buchanan will have to be fire-engine and ambulance compatible, since they are on a designated fire emergency route. In December, the County conducted a test of a new "speed cushion" that is designed to permit emergency vehicles passage without bumps or slowdowns, but forces cars to stay below 25 mph. The cushions are pre-fab units bolted to the street, with paths in between for the widely-spaced tires on fire trucks and busses.
Barcrofters Pat Williamson-Edwards, Elaine Squeri and Randy Swart observed the trials, showing our neighborhood's keen interest in traffic calming. The cushions seemed to pass the Fire Department tests, and were pronounced fine for bicycles. But the design may not slow cars down as much as we would like.
In the next step, the County will probably install some of the cushions (on a street that is in line ahead of ours) to see if they work as well as promised. We'll keep you posted as to when you can try them out.
Annual Spaghetti Supper Time
On Sunday, January 27th from 5- 7PM the BSCL will hold it’s 8th annual Italian dinner featuring delicious homemade spaghetti, warm bread, crisp Italian salad, drinks and other treats. The evening will include musical entertainment and friendly neighbors. We encourage your whole family to come in to The Community House, warm up from the winter chill and enjoy all the food you can eat for $6 adults and $4 for kids 6-12. All proceeds beyond expenses will go toward the Community house fund. One year we raised over $900.00. Let’s try to top it this year!
If you are interested in helping with set up, serving, cleaning or donating baked goods please call Tom Palance at 703-979-8366. Don’t forget to mark this on your calendar! See you there. Bon Appetit!
January Meeting: Politics and Policing
By Eric Harold
We’ll start the new year off with a few of our favorite topics, sure to shake the rafters and leave you laughing in the aisles: politics and policing. Joining us for the first meeting of 2002 will be newly elected Barcroft state delegate James Almand and the new 3rd District police captain Michael Dunne.
Come early to meet James Almand, our newly elected delegate to Richmond. Due to prior meeting commitments, Mr. Almand can only speak for 15 minutes beginning at 7:30. New 3rd District Captain Michael Dunne will speak later in the meeting about current police and code enforcement events within Barcroft’s district. Mr. Dunne has hinted at a special guest appearance by fellow Barcrofter and Police Chief Flynn.
New Community Center Seeks Ideas and Input
Participation wanted in forums for the new Arlington Mill Community Center
You are invited to participate in designing the new Arlington Mill Community Center. The new facility will contain recreation, education, and community programs. The purpose of these forums is to gather ideas about the specific programs from members of the community, and incorporate these ideas in determining a basic design for the facility.
All forums are located at the Arlington Mill Center, Columbia Pike and S. Dinwiddie. Activities will be held for children 3-12 years of age whose parents are attending meetings.
- Series I: Initial Ideas
Jan. 3, 10:00 AM -- 12:00 PM; Jan. 5, 11:00 AM -- 1:00 PM; Jan. 8, 7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Each of these forums is an opportunity to express your ideas for the types of programs that may be offered at the new Center. Choose the forum that is most convenient for you.
- The Design Workshop
Jan. 19, 9:00 AM -- 4:30 PM
This day-long event will be a collaborative design process between the community, County staff and architects who will sketch out a concept of the new Arlington Mill Center through the course of the day.
- Series Two: Design Presentations
Jan. 29, 7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM; Jan. 31, 10:00 AM -- 12:00 PM; Feb. 2, 11:00 AM -- 1:00
These will be presentations to the community of a fully developed concept for the Arlington Mill center. As with the first series of meetings, the topic and program will be the same at all three so one only need attend one meeting to get the full story.
For more information, contact:
Pam Everett, 703-228-6589
Barcroft Exchange
Small wood stove with glass front, good shape, $75. Comes with wood to burn! Also: Scalloped brick edging, red and white, curved and straight. Price negotiable. Contact Beth Fowler, home 703-979-1104, work 202-775-4511.
Dining room table and 6 chairs, French Provincial style. Oval wood-topped table w/2 leaves seats up to 10. Two captain’s chairs and 4 side chairs, ornately carved in distressed antique white. $200. Call Joyce Hutchins H)685-4921 or W)751-2766.
Got Something to sell? Let your neighbors know about it— send in your classified ad by the 15th of each month. Email or call 271-0631. Babysitters! Are you out there? If you are a babysitter, advertise your talents in next month’s newsletter!
County Seeks Input on Metro Expansion
Arlington’s representative on the Metro Board of Directors, Christopher Zimmerman, is seeking input from the community on a new proposal for future expansion of the metro system. There has been a proposal for a new line that would run across north Arlington, from Rosslyn to East Falls Church. Under this new proposal there would be:
- a new Metro line along the I-66 right-of-way from Falls Church to Rosslyn.
- up to three new stations in north Arlington:
- in the vicinity of Spout Run and Lee Highway;
- near Quincy Street;
- just west of George Mason Drive.
- An expansion of the East Falls Church station;
- a new river crossing at Key Bridge.
The intent of these changes is to ease congestion on the Orange Line, by providing a direct connection to downtown for the new Tyson's-Dulles extension. Cost for this new line is estimated in the vicinity of $2 billion in current dollars.
Zimmerman requests assistance in promoting community discussion of this issue, while it is still early in the process. Comments can be submitted via a form on the County's website at; the County Board email address at; by fax at 703-228-7430.
Trav Fick Bags Results!
The County bestows traffic control to Barcroft
By Trav Fick
May the New Year bring us peace around the world and right here on our neighborhood streets! May our resolutions include stepping forward to help out in our community and stepping off the pedal to slow down!
Trav Fick has a bias! On December 10th, The NTCC approved the Buchanan and Wakefield Traffic Calming plans.
Because NTCC funds are low after its first two rounds of approvals, it recommended cost-trimming among the projects where possible. For our two streets, the electronic speed readers were eliminated since they are secondary to the traffic circles and speed humps. Jeff had recommended that deletion early in our planning, but we had persisted; so we gracefully accepted the change.
The Abingdon-3rd-4th effort finished petitioning for speed humps and will present its request with neighborhood support to the Board in time for its January 26 meeting. Neighborhood attendance at the 9 AM meeting in the Board Room, 3rd Floor, 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, would be very helpful.
Cutting Down on Cut-Through
The Cut-through Study completed on September 26 indicated that there is indeed cut-through in Barcroft. The data were collected from eight stations or access points to the neighborhood: Taylor, Wakefield, and Buchanan at Columbia Pike; 4th, 6th, and 8th at George Mason; Pershing and Abingdon near 50, and two internal sites at 3rd and 4th off Buchanan. Counts were taken for two directions, incoming and outgoing, during morning and afternoon peak traffic hours.
Barcroft had 40 volunteers to assist the County staff, an unheard of turnout that proved our determination to have improved traffic management in our neighborhood.
A summary of the results indicates that from 8 - 9 AM, 7 stations have at least 30% cut through in one direction. Pershing/Buchanan had a whopping 49% and 53%, respectively. In the afternoon, there is at least a 30% cut through in 5 of the 8 stations. The counts at 6th and George Mason indicate cut through in both directions. The County Staff will recheck the figures at 4th and George Mason, since the 0% cut-through rate seems inaccurate.
County staff will let us know the counts for 3rd and 4th. Abingdon’s cut through rate is not 30% total, but remains "substantial" and this is why the neighbors are pursuing redress from the County Board.
If you see how traffic issues affect you, join Trav Fick and step forward to participate in the discussions, not only about Barcroft traffic (which you have done in style!), but also about the development of Columbia Pike (CPRO), about where Metro should run a new line (along 66, 395, Route 50 or Columbia Pike), and about the expansion of 66.
We make a difference!
Schedule of Events
Jan. 3: Arlington Mill Community Center Community Forum. 10AM-noon.
Jan 3: BSCL monthly meeting. 7PM, Community House.
Jan. 4: Arlington Civic Federation monthly meeting. 7:30PM, Hospital Conference Center, 1701 N. George Mason Drive
Jan. 5: Arlington Mill Community Center Community Forum. 11-1.
Jan. 8: Arlington Mill Community Center Community Forum. 7-9PM.
Jan. 18: Deadline to submit vendor applications for new community market.
Jan 19: Arlington Mill Community Center Design Workshop., 9AM-4:30.
Jan. 26: Barcroft Traffic presentation to County Board. 9AM, Board Room, 3rd Floor, 2100 Clarendon Blvd.
Jan. 27: Annual Spaghetti dinner. Barcroft Community House, 5-7PM.
Please check our calendar page on the Web for updates.
Check out our Barcroft Website for the latest news!
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For more information, call—
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Finding the right career fit!
Barn Dance
Saturday, January 5, 8PM
Traditional American dancing for everyone: Contras, squares and circles. Liz Donaldson, caller, will teach all the steps and dances, so non-dancers can participate immediately. Live music provided by JumpStart (Julie Gorka, piano and fiddle, Kathy Kerr, fiddle, and Jim Besser, guitar and concertina).
Barcroft Community House
800 S. Buchanan St.
Info: Julie Gorka (703) 979-0339
7/adults; $5/kids; $15/families
Long and Foster Realtors
Low interest rates and increased market values in our neighborhood can mean monthly savings for you with refinancing. Please call me if I can help work through the numbers.
Thinking of renovating your home? Please ask me for a copy of the annual “Cost versus Value” study which gives you a range of costs for popular home improvements and the rate of return on your investment.
Moira McCormick, REALTOR
Barcroft homeowner since 1997
Arlington Office
4600 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207
Increase the value of your home with quality renovations
(must have written quote)
Do You Need Help Cleaning Your House?
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The Casey O’Neal Team
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Associate Broker
Rosemarie Johnson
Buyer Specialist
Free Notary Service
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Coming soon at 614 N. Taylor Street in North Barcroft!
3 New Luxury Homes offered for sale at $495,000
5 Bedrooms, 3 finished levels, 2 Car Garage, 11,500 sq.ft lots
Call Casey or Rosemarie for details.
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Bob & Edith's
New Barcroft Location!!!
4707 Columbia Pike
6:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Breakfast all day long
Original Location
2310 Columbia Pike
Open 24 Hours!
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editor - Christina Cavoli, 703-271-0631
Publisher/Mailing - Susan Hunn, 703-892-6179
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 703-979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 703-892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 703-892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2001-2002
President - Pat Williamson-Edwards, 703-521-1082
Vice President -- Eric Harold - 703-486-0879,
Recording Secretary -- We need you!
Treasurer - - Gary LeFebvre - 703-521-0184
Corresponding Secretary -- Eric Parker -- 703-486-3649,
Membership Secretary -- Peg LeFebvre - 703-521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 703-553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 703-979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 703-892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 703-920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 703-892-0308
Arlington Mill Community Center -- Bill Lykes, 703-892-4422
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 703-271-0944 -
Crime - vacant
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Darlene Mickey
Parade -- Andrew Hunter, 703-979-8247
Parks -- Shelley Fichtner, 703-486-0856
Traffic /B> - Elaine Squeri 703-920-7014,
Volunteers - Scott Royal 703-553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes, and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 703-521-1116

This page was last revised on: January 10, 2002.