The Barcroft News
February, 2002 - Volume 99, Issue 6
President's Report
- by Pat Williamson Edwards
Many thanks to Eric Parker, Corresponding Secretary, for running our January meeting. Thanks to Eric Harold, we had a great agenda. First, neighbors got an opportunity to meet our new Virginia Legislative Delegate, Jim Almand, and then there was Q&A with Capt. Michael Dunne, new 3rd District Commander with the Arlington County Police Department. Parking issues along George Mason Drive were heavily discussed—see Pg. 8 for more discussion.
The Howards entertained questions about their application for a site plan amendment to increase the size of their home daycare operation from 5 to 9. Reports are that neighbors were satisfied with the answers to their questions and the BSCL will support this application which comes before the County Board on January 26.
January 26 is a truly big day in Barcroft history. Our long awaited Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project will be presented to the County Board for a blessing of funds. We are quite sure to succeed (see TravFick's major article in this issue- Pg. 4).
If you have not joined up with the BSCL chat group, wait no longer. Many issues are vetted through this e-mail group. With cold winter time keeping folks inside, it is a great way to stay up to the minute on neighborhood issues. You can join by going to the BSCL homepage at
See you at the February monthly meeting, at 7:30 pm, at the Community House, on Thursday, February 7.
Grant for Ramp in Jeopardy
By Mark Wigfield
A $9,000 grant awarded to the Barcroft School and Civic League to help build a ramp to provide access for the disabled to the community house is in jeopardy.
The Warren Stambaugh Foundation, which presented the grant to the BSCL in Sept. 2000, has set a Feb. 28 deadline for the association to provide a detailed plan and timeline for construction. Foundation members will evaluate progress at that point.
While the association had initially hoped to have the structure built by last July, the process has been a slow and complicated one. Challenges include designing a ramp that is compatible with the historic community house, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Initial plans called for a ramp that began at the rear 8th Road corner of the house and would continue around on the south side to the emergency exit of the hall itself near the stage. A roof was to cover the structure. But the design sparked numerous questions at the county historic review board. Within the BSCL, discussions turned to alternatives, but no consensus was reached.
By spring of 2001, the project had lost momentum and had become a source of frustration for the volunteers involved.
One volunteer architect ran out of time, while another decided that the proposed alternatives lacked integrity and disassociated himself from the process.
By late summer, Stambaugh Foundation Chairman Frank O’Leary, better known as the county treasurer, was wondering what had become of the grant. Frank had a vested interest, having personally raised much of the money at a pig-kissing booth at the county fair. Frank’s prodding prompted renewed discussions within the BSCL, which are continuing. Plans now being considered include a concrete ramp that would be low-maintenance, but could cost $30,000 and up or at least double the $15,000 originally budgeted.
Anyone with expertise on accessibility design is encouraged to contact BSCL President Pat Williamson-Edwards at or 521-1082. There may be discussion of the ramp at the Feb. 7 meeting.
FYI, the Stambaugh Foundation is named after former Va. Del. Warren Stambaugh, who represented Arlington County in the Virginia General Assembly from 1973 until his death in 1990. He was known for his effective advocacy for people with mental and physical disabilities. Directors of the foundation in addition to Frank include County Board member Chris Zimmerman, former Barcroft resident Jim Turpin, and Va. Del. Karen Darner, also a Barcroft resident.
Arlington Mill Community Center
Renewal & Renovation of Center Still Seeking Input, Ideas
By Elaine Squeri
Discussion about renovation of the Arlington Mill Community Center is underway. Three seminars in the beginning of January began the process of redesigning the center to meet the wants and needs of the community.
Two architects conducted these sessions. Brainstorming was intense, creative, non-judgmental, and comprehensive. As one participant stated, she was "wowed by the articulate views, non-judgmental brainstorming, and enjoyable session."
The population to be served in the Center ranges from long-time residents of varied races and ethnic groups to immigrants here for 20 years to those newly arrived, and all ages, from seniors through teens to young children.
Suggestions for new uses of the Center were many, including:
- Senior Center with lunches, activities, films
- Coffee Shop”
- Drop in social Center
- Child Care while parents are in classes
- Education space for pre-school and GED classes as well as adult education & ESL
- Social Services offices for clients with a waiting room and perhaps a clinic
- Library
- Gym
- Large hall for dances/parties
- Homeless Shelter
- Media Communications Studio
- Versatile flexible spaces for offices, counseling, and meetings of various sizes.
The zoning is FAR 2, which means four floors are possible, with the building close to the street and parking behind. The Arlington Mill Road could be eliminated to provide direct access from the building to the park. The schedule could allow a construction start in late 2004 and completion in 2006 at the earliest.
If you have ideas to offer, do it now! The last series of community discussion, held to present the fully developed concept for the new Arlington Mill Center, will be on Jan. 29, 7:00 -- 9:00 PM; Jan. 31, 10:00 AM -- 12:00 PM; and Feb. 2, 11:00 AM -- 1:00. For more information, contact:
Pam Everett, 703-228-6589,,
Margaret Davis Dead of Heart Attack
Second Street S. mourns the passing of Margaret Davis, who had anchored the corner of 2nd and Pershing for many years. Margaret was active in the BSCL until a stroke two years ago. Her specialty was taking on the Arlington County bureaucracy, volunteering to follow up on problems when the first hours would be spent just trying to find the responsible party and understand the ground rules. Her willingness to jump in and help was always welcome.
In recent years Margaret had been making trips to Pakistan to visit family there. It was during a return trip that she suffered a heart attack. The aircraft set down in Newfoundland to get medical help for Margaret, but to no avail. The neighborhood will miss a fine citizen.
Victory Near in the Traffic Wars
Traffic Calming Measures Ready for Final Board Approval;
Barcroft Bids for Additional Gains on Abingdon
By Trav Fick
After a great deal of time, patience and work, it appears the County is to give its final blessing for traffic calming measures on Buchanan/Pershing and Wakefield streets. Yet Trav Fick can’t rest easy while Abingdon residents continue to suffer! Over the past two months, an intense effort has been made to include Abingdon in our current round of petitions to the county board.
Kenny Harrell and his volunteers completed the Petition Process in December, asking residents on the impacted streets of Abingdon, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and Woodstock if they would support "a request for speed humps, possibly two per street, for South Abingdon, 3rd, and 4th." The response was overwhelming. Based on the number of residents who voted, the support was 98%! Including all the residences on these streets, the support was 81%. The latter figure includes 7 abstentions and 20 ‘no responses.’ Two homes were not included in the process because they are vacant.
Kenny submitted his area's Petition Packet to the County Board on December 19, 2001. He had asked for approval from the NTCC (as we had done for the Buchanan/Pershing and Wakefield streets) but the NTCC felt that the priority points were too low and the speed on Abingdon did not meet the 32mph criterion necessary to install humps. They also said that Cut-Through (traffic using our neighborhood as a short cut instead of driving on major arteries) was not an issue that warranted traffic calming measures, according to their instructions from the Board. In response, Kenny approached the County Board directly, lobbying for relief for these streets and for inclusion of cut-through under the Traffic Calming process.
On January 9, Kenny met with Board Vice Chair, Charles Monroe. Mr. Monroe stated that he would make a motion at the January 26 Board Meeting to adopt the Petition request for humps on Abingdon, 3rd, and 4th and asked Kenny to speak on behalf of his motion. Of course, Kenny agreed to do so.
If you are reading this in time, mark January 26, 2002 on your calendar for two reasons:
1. We need ongoing letter, email, and call-in campaign to each Board Member before that date to encourage their approval of Mr. Monroe's motion in our behalf (contacts are listed below).
2. Attend the County Board Meeting at 9 AM in the County Board Room, 2100 Clarendon Blvd, Third Floor to show strong support both for the petition and for Mr. Monroe. Mr. Monroe has been very supportive to our cause, even coming to Barcroft himself in June to observe our traffic firsthand.
This is our last opportunity to calm our neighborhood traffic for a long time to come, if ever, due to the pending review of the NTCC charter and process guidelines. Including Abingdon in this round of approvals may be the only opportunity to create traffic calming on this street.
Arlington County Board
2100 Clarendon Blvd # 300
Arlington, VA 22201-5406
703-228-3130; Fax: 703-228-7430
website: from the website you choose your correspondent and may write a message right from that access.
Membership Renewal 2001-2002
Membership Application or Renewal -- 2001-2002
Please complete & return with dues ($3 per adult/$6 per couple)
To: Barcroft School & Civic League Make Checks Payable to:
c/o Peg Lefebvre, Membership Secretary
812 S. George Mason Dr.
Arlington, VA 22204-1555
___ New Member Application Individual Membership ($ 3.00) $
___ Membership Renewal Couple Membership ($6.00) $
Additional Tax Deductible Contribution to the Community House Fund $
Address:____________________________________________ Apt: _____
Arlington, VA 22204-_______ (zip last 4)
Home Phone: ( ) - ____ Work Phone: ( )
E-Mail Address (Member #1):
E-Mail Address (Member #2):
Do you wish your e-mail address(es) shown on the BSCL Web Page?Yes/No
Do you wish your e-mail address(es) removed from the Web Page? Yes/No
I/we would like to volunteer to help with (please indicate which member):
Distribution (Newsletters, Flyers, etc) 4th of July Parade & Picnic
Food Events (Dinners, Cook-outs, etc) Membership Follow-up Calls
Grant Writing Concert Series
Snow Removal for Elderly/Disabled Yard Work for Elderly/Disabled
One-Time Efforts (as the arise)
Serve on a Committee -- Specify which:
(Crime Resistance, Parks, Renovations, Landscape, Traffic)
Other (please specify):
Barcroft: Walking Distance to Metro? Could Be...
By Trav Fick
Where do you want Metro to build? If you have an opinion, now is the time to make it heard. The County is discussing an extension of the Metro and its impact on Arlington. Should a second orange line be built, or a totally new line serving the corridor through East Falls Church and along 66? Or should a line run along Route 7 to the Pentagon, or along Columbia Pike, or Route 50 or 395?
Construction issues concern easements, rights of way, and of course cost; then there is customer base, overall transportation design for any one of these sites, parking for the metro, etc.
Thinking is needed now, not when we see an article in May announcing a proposal. For now, offer your ideas to Trav Fick (703-920-7014) who will forward them to the working group that is forming as we write this.
Project Resilience Offers Post 9/11 Support
By Elicia Seay, Mental Health Therapist
Project Resilience is a FEMA funded program of counselors to provide education and support to Arlington after the September 11th Disaster. Although it has been several months since the disaster, it is our role to educate the public on "normal" stress reactions that people may be experiencing after the disaster, that could, if not resolved, result in more serious symptoms, such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Our program is funded to provide crisis counseling, psycho educational workshops and briefings, as well as referrals to programs and agencies for financial assistance and other resources. Many individuals have lost jobs, wages, or their businesses have significantly dropped since September 11th. As a result, many residents are unable or have difficulty paying their rent or mortgages. Our services are free and available to any Arlington County resident. It is my hope that we can extend our services to any of residents who may be of need. We have a diverse staff which includes multi linguistic counselors.
If you want more information, call 228-4788. Elicia or any staff member can provide assistance.
Another BSCL Dues Reminder
By Peg Lefebvre
Our new membership year started in September. We're grateful to all those who have joined or renewed their membership. We are still hoping to hear from those of you that were members last year, but have not yet renewed for this year. Of course we'd also like to hear from those who have not yet joined. Dues are only $3 per adult ($6 per couple/family), and a membership form is in this newsletter.
Perhaps you think you've already taken care of this — that's easy enough to assume. Please take a moment to look back at your check register to be sure. Or contact Peg Lefebvre, Membership Secretary, at 521-0184 (— she'll gladly let you know.
The Parking Scene
By Jo Ann Obaugh & Peg Lefebvre
Recently residents in the 800 and 900 block of S George Mason have experienced an explosion of vehicles parked on both sides of their street, so much so that at time residents cannot find a space to park anywhere near their homes. This is the result of Barcroft Apartments adopting a regulation that limits vehicles in their lots to two/per apartment . Further, neither of the vehicles can be a taxi, truck or minibus. Thus, the long block of George Mason from Columbia Pike to 8th St has become the overflow place for these vehicles and even larger ones, such as food-vendor vans and a large bus.
Residents have spoken with Arlington Traffic Engineering and found that parking is zoned differently for the two sides of the street. The west side is zoned residential, but the park side is not. In fact, any vehicle can park there, including the large vans and the bus. Further, taxi cabs are not considered commercial, and can park on both sides of the street.
Residents of the block (5 single family homes and 16 townhouses) definitely consider both sides of their block residential. These residents bought their homes because it is a lovely area in a great neighborhood, but the overflow of commercial vehicles negatively affects the residential ambiance.
Overflow vehicles bring other problems. George Mason is a divided street. Residents of the 800 portion need to U-turn to head in the right direction. To go north, they must turn at the first break (opposite the townhouse driveway). Vehicles on the park side make this difficult, unsafe and sometimes impossible. If returning home from the south they must U-turn at 8th St. Vehicles are routinely parked right up to the 8th St. sidewalk (in violation of the ordinance that requires 20 ft. from the corner). Again, this makes the turn difficult, unsafe and sometimes impossible. These same residents have difficulty getting in and out of their driveways because vehicles are parked too close (at times bumpers actually extending into driveway areas).
Traffic Engineering indicated the County is considering a zoning change for parking adjacent to parkland, and that the Police Dept would be the first agency asked to provide information on the subject. Hopefully, Neighborhood Associations and residents that live adjacent to parks will also be asked for input.
Guest speakers at the January BSCL meeting included Capt Michael Dunne, the new commander of the 3rd District, which includes Barcroft. Capt Dunne was accompanied by Lt Behrke whose area is Barcroft and Alcova Heights. They were also accompanied by Chief Flynn, Chief of the Arlington Police Dept.
The problem was discussed. They were supportive, but said no quick solution is available. Capt Dunne was unaware of any consideration to change zoning along parkland, but would contact Traffic Engineering and provide what they needed. He did understand the county was considering a change in what constituted a commercial vehicle (defining commercial as any vehicle with writing). This would help the residential side of George Mason, but would do nothing for the blight on the park side.
Other options, such as permit parking, were discussed. Permits are used in the 300 through 700 portion of George Mason to prevent overflow from government buildings near Arlington Blvd. Permits could help the residential side, but only if they cover 24 hours a day, and would do nothing for the park side.
Since the January BSCL meeting, the police have taken some action, and we thank them. The problem has lessened in the 800 portion of the block, although parking too close to the 8th St corner continues. The situation seems unchanged in the 900 area. More help is needed.
The County Board apparently pays attention to Civic Associations. A letter will be drafted to go to the County Board with the signature of the BSCL President asking for their help.
Those of us with homes on George Mason ask for the support of Barcroft Civic Association in solving this problem that affects us all to some degree. If you have any doubt about the effect this industrial area type parking will have on the residential ambience of Barcroft, take a short drive one evening after 8:00 p.m. on South George Mason between Columbia Pike and Four Mile Run. On the park side you will find tractor trailers, tow trucks, flat bed construction trucks, etc., and all the trash and debris that goes with them; it is not a pretty sight.
Barcroft is a great neighborhood, let's be vigorous in protecting it.
Progress on the Pike: CPRO Finalizes Plans
By Bryant Monroe
If all goes according to plan, significant steps will be taken in these winter months to approve and begin implementing the Columbia Pike Revitalization Plan. The County Board intends to focus on the plan at their January 26 meeting. At this session, the Board will vote to authorize a formal advertisement giving notice to Arlington citizens that the plan will be considered for adoption at the March 9 Board meeting. Simply put, the wheels will be set in motion for formal County adoption of the long-awaited Revitalization Plan.
It is important to note that this step will approve Phase I of the plan, which includes the general concepts for Pike redevelopment, economic tools to spur growth, transportation recommendations and studies, and neighborhood housing initiatives. Phase II consists of formal changes to the general land use plan and zoning, and proposed use of a typology (also referred to as design standards). Phase II will be addressed by the Board later in the year.
The plan will also include a recommendation regarding the Buchanan Street/Four Mile Run intersection with Columbia Pike. The recommendation suggests short term improvements, including left turn lanes on Columbia Pike (at Four Mile Run and the shopping center), and in the long term realigning Four Mile Run (Minor) in concert with redevelopment at the “Goodwill” corner. More details will be provided at the February BSCL meeting.
Citizens are encouraged to attend the March 9 Board meeting, and to also attend the Planning Commission meeting on February 25, which will also consider the plan.
Tim Lynch, Executive Director of the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization (CPRO) will attend the February 7 Barcroft meeting to discuss the plan and answer questions. If you have any questions or comments on the plan, please contact Bryant Monroe, 271-0944, Barcroft’s representative on the CPRO Board.
Toys for Tots Party a Success
By Frank Vega
Thanks to all the Barcrofters that came out December 15th to partake in some holiday cheer and to donate a gift to the annual Toys for Tots campaign. A good time was had by one and all and over 30 toys were collected for donation. It was a real treat to see neighbors taking some time to linger over the conversation, the spirit of the season and the joy of helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Barcroft's spirit of giving and caring has shone through once again!
Join the Shovel Brigade!
Barcroft Volunteers Needed to Help Neighbors Shovel
Need a reason to enjoy the snow? Volunteer your time to help neighbors who need it shovel their drives and walks after a snowstorm. The county of Arlington even provides a snow blower to make the job that much faster. If you can help (and if it ever snows!), contact Don Vardell, 553-0322.
Did You Snow? Sometimes it Does Snow in Arlington!
By David Kyle
Pedestrians need sidewalks to be cleared in residential and business neighborhoods. Arlington County does not clear sidewalks and applauds citizens and proprietors for clearing sidewalks to help their neighbors and customers weather the storm. Sidewalks should be cleared to the pavement (to help the sun melt any remaining snow) at least one shovel's width within 24 hours after snowfall ceases. TIP: Remove snow before pedestrians pack it down!
Helpful Hints
When it starts to snow, park your vehicle off the street if possible. This protects your car from being splashed by salt spray, from becoming plowed in, or being hit by passing vehicles. A snowplow needs a minimum roadway width of 15 feet to maneuver safely, and on many streets a snowplow cannot operate when cars are parked on both sides of the street. If you must drive, your vehicle should be equipped with snow tires or chains. If your vehicle gets stuck during a “Declared Snow Emergency” you could face fines, towing and impoundment costs.
If you must venture onto the road, you will find that Arlington provides full scale snow control operations not usually offered by borderline snow belt cities with an annual average snowfall of 18 inches.
Melting Ice & Snow
By Tom Tyler, Environmental Horticulture, Virginia Cooperative Extension - Arlington County
Homeowners who spread too much salt on driveways this winter can be sowing seeds of frustration. Rock salt and other de-icers can damage nearby grass, shrubs and trees. Wind-driven salt spray behind vehicles on roadways can affect plants 100-150 feet from a highway. Dumping shoveled snow or ice mixed with de-icer may damage plants. De-icers may also damage concrete and corrode metals, causing damage to cars and aluminum siding. Runoff from ice and snow melt caused by de-icing materials also dumps chemicals directly into local waterways and impedes our efforts to clean the Chesapeake Bay.
Homeowners can help reduce runoff from de-icing salts by choosing the appropriate product and planning ahead. For a complete list of products, corrosiveness ratings, or minimum effective temperatures, please contact the Extension Office at 703-228-6414. A list of salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive plants is also available.
Announcements: What’s Going On
Congratulations and Welcome to Christian Marinaro, born to Melanie and Steve of Stafford St. on Dec. 17th. He joins older siblings Nichole, Stephen and Grace.
Harmony-ously Yours: Enjoy a Barbershop Harmony Show (featuring Barcroft resident Carl Costanzo!) The Arlington Chapter of SPEBSQSA, Inc. will hold their annual spring show, "Riverboat Days," on Saturday, March 2 at Thomas Jefferson Community Theater. The Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus, Quartets, and a local high school vocal ensemble will perform. The featured quartet is "Jukebox," an area quartet being acclaimed in barbershop circles. Performances are at 2:15 and 8:15 PM. Tickets: afternoon - $10 (general) and $8 (seniors/students); evening - $12 and $10. For more information call 521-9331.
Sing Along! The Arlingtones also welcome new singers! They meet each Tuesday evening from 7 to 10 PM at Gunston Middle School, Room 145, 2700 S. Lang St.
Batter Up: Andrew Hunter and his 4 year old son, Alex, are forming a Blastball team this Spring through the Arlington Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken league. Blastball is fun and is an activity geared for 4 year olds before playing T-Ball when they turn 5. If you and your 4 year old child are interested, please give me a call at 979-8247, or e-mail me at
Call for Artists: Last Call--Express Your Unique Vision! The deadline for participating in the 2002 Global Art Project is Feb. 28. If you would like to join in, contact Bridget at 703-521-9075.
Seeking a New Home: Family with two young children is seeking to buy a home with easy access to Ballston. 3-4 bedroom, 2 bath is best. Willing to do a fixer-upper. Call 202-672-1501 if you know of anything for sale.
Barcroft Exchange
Exercise Equipment: Stationery Bicycle (lo-tech; one pedal strap needs repair) available for FREE. Just move them from my house to yours. Call Sara Leigh at 703-521-0527
Car: 1998 BMW m3, black w/ tan leather interior, 5 speed, 27,000 miles, new tires, perfect condition: $36,400. Contact, address: 4619 7th St.
Nanny Share: We are looking to share our nanny with another family in the neighborhood. Our daughter is 13 months old and we would like to share with another child close to the same age starting in March. If interested, please email or call Amy Carter during the day at 908-0880.
Got Something to sell? Let your neighbors know about it— send in your classified ad by the 15th of each month. Emaileditor@BSCL.orgor call 271-0631. Babysitters! Are you out there? If you are a babysitter, advertise your talents in next month’s newsletter!
Schedule of Events
Jan. 26: Barcroft Traffic presentation to County Board. 9AM, Board Room, 3rd Floor, 2100 Clarendon Blvd.
Jan. 27: Annual Spaghetti dinner. Barcroft Community House, 5-7PM.
Feb. 2: Arlington Mill Community Center Design Seminar. 11AM-1. Call 228-6589.
Feb. 7: BSCL Meeting. Barcroft Community House, 7:30. 800 S. Buchanan.
Please check our calendar page on the Web for updates.
If you have any ideas, observations, insights, complaints, or praise to share, please send it along! All submissions to the Barcroft News should be submitted no later than the 15th of each month. Send items to, or call Christina at 271-0631. We want to hear from you!
Check out our Barcroft Website for the latest news!
Are you making a career transition?
Do you know the work you would like, but don’t know how to get it?
Try working with a career coach— it can help you focus on what you want and
create plans for getting there.
For more information, call—
Carol Roller
Career Coaching
Finding the right career fit!
Long and Foster Realtors
Low interest rates and increased market values in our neighborhood can mean monthly savings for you with refinancing. Please call me if I can help work through the numbers.
Thinking of renovating your home? Please ask me for a copy of the annual “Cost versus Value” study which gives you a range of costs for popular home improvements and the rate of return on your investment.
Moira McCormick, REALTOR
Barcroft homeowner since 1997
Arlington Office
4600 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207
Increase the value of your home with quality renovations
(must have written quote)
Do You Need Help Cleaning Your House?
* Prompt Professional Services
* Specializing In Houses, Townhouse, and Apartments
* Good References *Guaranteed Low Prices *Excellent Work
CALL PETRONA AT 703-671-1791
We’re Still Working
When it’s not too cold.
Walls (Wood and Stone)
Other small garden features
Cleanup… and (always)
Planning for warmer days ahead
Annie’s Garden
4413 South 8th St.
(Come by and see our improved "Barcroft" wall)
The Casey O’Neal Team
at RE/MAX Horizons
Casey O’Neal
Associate Broker
Rosemarie Johnson
Buyer Specialist
Free Notary Service
For Barcroft Residents
2001 Sales Statistics for Barcroft
Data includes homes sold and settled in 2001 by all real estate companies in the local MLS system. Compiled from Metropolitan Regional Information System, Inc. Information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. The average property sold for 100.41% of the listed price.
# Listings: 24
Sold 24
Avg. List Price: $352,508
Avg. Sales Price: $353,963
Avg Days on Market: 33
Address, List Price, Sold Price, BR, FB, HB, Age, DOM-Pr, Contract Date, Settle Date
142 PERSHING DR S $325,000 $315,000 4 2 1 53 22 03-JAN-2001 18-JAN-2001
4632 4 ST S $334,900 $334,900 3 2 1 67 4 15-JAN-2001 22-FEB-2001
4408 1ST ST S $328,000 $329,000 3 1 1 51 1 21-JAN-2001 05-APR-2001
4221 8ST S $288,900 $265,000 2 2 3 53 245 26-JAN-2001 26-FEB-2001
4219 7TH RD S $349,500 $350,000 3 2 2 55 3 14-FEB-2001 16-APR-2001
4613 6TH STREET S $469,900 $476,500 4 3 1 0 156 21-FEB-2001 26-APR-2001
4416 PERSHING CT S $385,000 395,0001 3 2 2 14 8 28-FEB-2001 26-APR-2001
4640 2ND ST S $275,000 $325,000 2 2 54 1 08-MAR-2001 14-MAY-2001
4216 4TH ST S $365,000 $365,000 4 3 53 3 19-MAR-2001 11-MAY-2001
4670 4TH ST S $310,000 $310,000 2 3 0 61 0 20-MAR-2001 29-MAR-2001
4619 8TH ST S $327,000 $327,000 3 2 1 21 0 07-APR-2001 27-NOV-2001
618 STAFFORD ST S $425,000 $425,000 4 3 1 54 5 12-APR-2001 30-MAY-2001
4413 PERSHING CT S $369,900 380,000 3 2 2 14 4 24-APR-2001 15-JUN-2001
4620 2ND ST S $275,000 296,000 2 1 1 54 4 30-APR-2001 26-JUN-2001
4622 3RD ST S $295,000 $295,000 3 1 1 72 0 27-JUN-01 01-JUL-2001
609 TAYLOR ST S $315,000 $305,000 3 2 54 23 27-MAY-2001 27-JUN-2001
4611 3RD ST S $374,900 $355,000 3 3 1 60 41 27-JUN-2001 11-JUL-2001
4666 4TH ST S $429,000 $457,717 3 2 1 0 17 21-JUL-2001 21-OCT-2001
819 STAFFORD ST S $329,000 320,000 4 2 2 25 25 03-AUG-2001 27-SEP-2001
612 GEORGE MASON $329,900 $320,000 4 2 1 53 36 05-AUG-2001 21-AUG-2001
4217 4TH ST S $355,000 $345,000 4 2 53 68 10-OCT-2001 09-NOV-2001
4209 8TH ST S $324,900 $315,000 4 2 52 13 10-OCT-2001 09-N0V-2001
807 STAFFORD ST S $409,500 $408,000 3 2 2 25 14 17-CCT-2001 10-DEC-2001
4631 3RD ST S $399,900 $421,000 3 2 1 63 3 22-OCT-2001 04-JAN-2002-
Neighborhood Market Trends 1/11/02
Sales in Barcroft in 2001 were strong with a total of 24 units sold and settled.. 2 additional homes are currently under contract pending settlement. The average sales price was $353,963 (about a 21% increase from the average sales price of 292,436 in 2000). The average days on market in 2001 was 33 days compared to 34 days in 2000. The average property sold for 100.41% of the listed price in 2001 and 99.5% in 2000. The current market in Arlington and DC Metro Area is active with many buyers looking and few homes to choose from (a scenario that has been in effect for several years).
National Market Trends in 2001 and Predictions for 2002
Despite terrorist attacks, recession, rising unemployment, and hard times on Wall Street, residential real estate didwellin2001.According to the National Association of Realtors, 5.20 million homes were expected to be sold in 2001. The record was 5.21 million in 1999. And this year, says NAR, should be a repeat of 2001. NAR also says that the national median existing-home price for 2001 was $146,600, an increase of 5.5 percent over the year 2000. The average price of a single family home in Virginia in 2001 was $151,396, compared to the average of $146,342 in 2000.
Lower interest rates in 2001 meant that more people could enter the marketplace as buyers and that many buyers could afford homes with higher prices. The larger pool of potential buyers created by lower rates helped sellers maintain pricing levels. In addition, reduced rates allowed existing owners to refinance and cut monthly mortgage costs— thus, freeing more spendable dollars to power our consumer economy.
What will happen in 2002? The DC area remains strong economically with a relatively strong job market. The federal government is the main driver of business in the area withmanyrelatedindustries.Federal spending in still the catalyst for the growth in the private sector even with it's independence of the government system. Some predictions are that over 70,000 jobs will be created in the DC area region within the year.
Mortgage Financing
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, the nation’s largest source of financing for home mortgages, recently announced an increase in their single-family mortgage loan limit to $300,700. The companies noted that in 2002, the increase will permit approximately 275,000 more families to take advantage of savings provided by having a conforming mortgage (the former limit was $275,000). Current average rates as of this writing with no points: 30 year fixed (conforming) — 7%, Jumbo 30 year fixed — 7.375%..
Happy New Year! There are many strategies to be aware of when buying or selling. Please call, email, or visit our website for further details. We appreciate all of the continued support and referrals from friends and neighbors in the past, and look forward towards serving the local community in 2002! The Casey O’Neal Team at RE/MAX Horizons
The Casey O’Neal Team RE/MAX Horizons
Casey’s direct line: 703-824-4196 Rosemarie Johnson’s direct line: 703-824-4195
Your neighborhood resident and specialist in 22204
Bob & Edith's
New Barcroft Location!!!
4707 Columbia Pike
6:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Breakfast all day long
Original Location
2310 Columbia Pike
Open 24 Hours!
All Barcroft News phone numbers are area code 703 unless indicated.
Barcroft News Staff
Editor - Christina Cavoli, 703-271-0631
Publisher/Mailing - Susan Hunn, 703-892-6179
Contributions - Mark Wigfield, 703-979-0339
Advertising Manager - Jim Kerr, 703-892-6458
Neighborhood News - Kathy Kerr, 703-892-6458
Deadlines: 1st (ads) or 10th (editorial material) day of the month preceding the issue month.
BSCL Officers for 2001-2002
President - Pat Williamson-Edwards, 703-521-1082
Vice President -- Eric Harold - 703-486-0879,
Recording Secretary -- We need you!
Treasurer - - Gary LeFebvre - 703-521-0184
Corresponding Secretary -- Eric Parker -- 703-486-3649,
Membership Secretary -- Peg LeFebvre - 703-521-0184
Board Members
Community House
Facility Managers - Steve Reiss, 703-553-0909 and Lori Fitchett 703-979-3920
Restoration - Jim Kerr, 703-892-6458
Fundraising - JoAnne Barnhart, 703-920-0821
Landscaping - Scott Brinitzer, 703-892-0308
Arlington Mill Community Center -- Bill Lykes, 703-892-4422
Columbia Pike - Bryant Monroe, 703-271-0944 -
Crime - vacant
Demeter House Liaison Committee - Darlene Mickey
Parade -- Andrew Hunter, 703-979-8247
Parks -- Shelley Fichtner, 703-486-0856
Traffic /B> - Elaine Squeri 703-920-7014,
Volunteers - Scott Royal 703-553-0909
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based ink by the Stanley Adams Printing Company. This Web page is put
up by Randy Swart using recycled bits and bytes, and it is not absolutely identical to the paper one.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Neighborline: (24 hr. announcements, Community House rentals) 703-521-1116

This page was last revised on: January 22, 2002.