The Barcroft News
October 1995
Volume 93, No. 2
Traffic Circle Under
Fire; Special Vote Set
The BSCL's September meeting came very close to voting to remove the temporary
traffic circle at the intersection of 3rd Street and Pershing Drive. The consensus
of those attending the meeting was clearly to remove the circle, which they said
was poorly designed, dangerous, inconvenient, a problem for long vehicles and not
effective in slowing down traffic. In addition it appears that the circle is forcing
more cars to use 4th Street, instead of 3rd Street.
The proponents of the circle (five of the thirty or more in the room) noted that
circles are the only trafficcalming measure that Arlington will permit the neighborhood
under current rules. The County will not install fourway stop signs, traffic bumps,
traffic humps, traffic lights, automated radar, chicanes or other measures. Budget
constraints and the taxpayer's unwillingness to permit big tax increases have eliminated
the option of having more police enforcement within the neighborhood. Circles are working
well to slow traffic and discourage cutthroughs for Arlington Forest and for Lyon Park,
but one unsightly, isolated and perhaps hastilydesigned circle is not a fair trial for
the technique in our neighborhood.
Participants at the meeting decided to hold a special meeting to take a final vote on
the circle on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Community House, This will be the only
subject of the meeting. Any neighborhood resident can come to the meeting and speak. To vote
you must be a member of the BSCL, so send in your $2 dues if you want to vote on this or other
issues this year.
At the September mooting, residents also discussed the application of Our Savior Lutheran
Church to increase the student body of their school by 25% and the renovation of Barcroft
Community House. (See separate articles on both subjects, page 5 and page 3.) Committee
reports included one by Chris Monek (9201287) that the Crime Resistance Committee will
meet again soon, and a note that the former Safeway store on Columbia Pike may become a
furniture store, David Michaelson reported that work will start in the fall on 8th Street
between Wakefield and Buchanan. The design for the intersection of 8th and Taylor is shaping
up, and we will be asked to comment on it when it is 80% completed. David asked for and got
some volunteers to get our Sign Committee restarted to approve a design for a neighborhood
sign on George Mason and on Arlington Boulevard. Most important perhaps was a call by Jim
Kerr for a volunteer to replace our retiring Membership Secretary, Katherine Villegas. The
Secretary receives checks and passes them on to the Treasurer, and keeps a list so we will
know who is eligible to vote at the special October meeting on the traffic circle.
Candidates to Speak
Candidates for local and state offices will be the centerpiece of this month's meeting, to
be held Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Community House, 800 S. Buchanan. Candidates will make
brief statements and take questions. With the Nov. 7 elections shortly upon us, this is
a good opportunity to see the politicians on our own turf. The meeting traditionally is
a somewhat informal event and priority for questions is given to resident Barcrofters. Don't
forget to vote!
Oct 14 Fete to Include
Roast Pig, Live Jazz
Sharpen your appetite and get ready for a bodacious pig roast sponsored by the BSCL on Saturday, Oct. 14. Chef Alan Dickerson, a neighborhood resident, will be using his delicious secret recipe. The event will run from 1 to 4 p.m. Beverages will be provided.
For your listening pleasure, the Potomac Jazz Orchestra will make its second appearance this year at the Community House.
Volunteers are needed to make this event successful. Here's what we need: Set up crew, clean up crow, servers, and food donations, especially side dishes and desserts.
A donation will be collected at the gate to fund the event. Any extra proceeds go directly to the Community House renovation fund. Adult donation is $8; children under 15 are $2. If you can help with the event or donate food, please call Tom Palance at 9798366 by Oct. 8.
Recycle Those Catalogs
Arlington County has begun curbside collection of magazines and catalogs for recycling. Residents may include magazines and catalogs along with their bagged or bundled newspapers.
According to the county, the paper recycling market has improved enough to make magazine and catalog collection economically viable. The clay coating on magazine and catalog paper actually helps wash the ink out of newsprint during the recycling process.
Whew! This is just in time for that annual barrage of preholiday catalogs!
Community House Is Placed on Nat'l List
In August, our Barcroft Community House was officially entered into the National Register of Historic Places. Last May our building was placed on the Virginia Landmarks Register. Thus we have now completed a process started when our Arlington Historic Landmark designation was made about 10 years ago. Face it. We're (sort of) famous!
Barcroft News Staff
Editor Phil Cackley, 2719743
Publisher/Mailing We need you!
Advertising Manager Pete Fitzgerald, 5213307
Neighborhood News Kathy Kerr, 8926458
Contributions Editor Kyle Walton, 5213307
Deadline for submissions: 1st (ads) or (editorial material) of month preceding issue month.
BSCL Officers for 1995
President Jim Kerr, 892645
Vice President David Michaelson, 553395
Recording Secy. Lisa Palance, 9798366
Treasurer Dave Voorhees, 9798287
Corresponding Secy. Mark Wigfield, 9790339
Membership Secy. Could be you
Board Members Scott Allard, Tom Palance, Larry Goldschmidt, Randy Building & Grounds Swart
Scott Brinitzer, 8920308
Crime Resistance
Chris Monek, 92012
Neighborhood Conservation
David Michaelson
Jim Kerr
Signs Manager
Jack Turner
Could be you
The paper version of the Barcroft News is printed by Stanley Adams Printing Company
Call the Hotline!
If you have comments or opinions about anything going on in the neighborhood, call the Barcroft Neighborhood Hotline at 5211116 and leave a message after the beep. You don't have to leave your name if you don't want to. To speak to a real person, call BSCL President Jim Kerr at 8926458.
Brush Cleared in Park
We were pleased to see the County clearing brush in Four Mile Run Park at Columbia Pike in early September. County workers cleared out underbrush behind the shopping center, on the east side of the park.
The result is to make the area much less spooky by improving sightlines, making the area easier to patrol. The crew did a nice job, and the appearance of the park continues to improve.
Don't forget that the BSCL has adopted that section of the park and the trail up to Sparrow Swamp as our special section to keep clean. You can just seize the initiative, pick up stuff and put it in the trash can there, or call Scott Allard at 5210825 if you want to be part of our next team cleanup. Good, clean fun.
Savior School to Grow?
At the September BSCL meeting,Chris Monek brought attention to a request for an increase of
students at Our Savior Lutheran Church School on S. Taylor St. Currently the school has a use
permit for 160 students and they would like to increase to 200 students. BSCL Officers and
affected neighbors were not notified of the intended change which was scheduled for adoption
by the Arlington County Board on the Saturday following the September meeting.
At the request of the BSCL and immediate neighbors, the County Board deferred action until their
Oct. 25 meeting so that Barcrofters can consider the impact on the neighborhood, if any, of
additional students at the school. Call Chris Monek for more information at 9201287.
Oct. 5, Thursday BSCL meeting. Candidates night. Community House, 800 S. Buchanan. 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 7, Saturday Fall plant walk. Adults join naturalist for plant identification walk. Long Branch Nature Center. 24:30 p.m. Call 3586535 for reservations.
Oct. 7, Saturday Open House. Columbia Pike Artists Studios, 932 S. Walter Reed. 114 p.m.
Oct. 11, Wednesday Special BSCL meeting. Vote on temporary traffic circle at Pershing and Third. (Only duespaying members will vote.) Community House, 800 S. Buchanan. 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 14, Saturday Pig Roast. Join your Barcroft neighbors and eat! 800 S. Buchanan. 14 p.m. (donation)
Oct. 20, Friday Fall foliage walk. Adults join naturalist to view fall colors. Long Branch Nature Center. 10 a.m. 12 p.m. Call 3586535 for reservations.
Oct. 21, Saturday Birds of Prey. Naturalist from Potomac Overlook park will give program on hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey. Community House, 800 S. Buchanan. Call the Barcroft Neighborline for time.
Oct. 31, Tuesday Halloween. Drive carefully and watch out for Trickortreaters. Dusk and later.
A (Belated) Thank You
Thanks to many members of the community, the Wine and Cheese event held last April 29 was very successful. Two hours before the event the ever dedicated Randy Swart showed up and began helping me set up. Shortly after, much welcomed newcomers to the neighborhood Brandi and Jerry Walters came into the community house. They helped slice fruit and set up the room. The talented Mary Fitzgerald helped set the mood with her harp. Soon after the festivities began, Andrew Hunter made a run for some more wine.
Roger Cornell and Linda Titolo rushed from their commitment at Borders Books and joined Mary for some great music. It was good to see a wide variety of neighbors at the Community House. Our long time loyal Membership secretary Katherine Villegas was there the whole evening. Irvena Brown, representative of The Uncommon Market, donated some delicious cheese and crackers. Barb Clemens, Jack Reed and Tom Tope helped with the clean up. It was a fun evening. Special thanks are given to Daphne Miller, Joshua Land, and Christie Sens for helping with promotion. Because of you the evening was successful.
The purpose of these neighborhood events is to promote a sense of togetherness so that we may continue to keep Barcroft a great place to live. If you are interested in helping or hosting an event call me at 9798366.
Tom Palance
Voter Registration
Change of Address Form
If you wish to vote in the next election, you must be registered to vote using the address where you actually live. If you have moved and not yet updated your voter registration, complete this form and mail it to the Office of Voter Registration, #1 Courthouse Plaza, 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 320, Arlington. VA 22201.
New Address:
Former Address:
Soc. Sec. No.:
Date of Birth:
Date of Move:
Names of registered voters who moved with you:
Barcroft Exchange
FOR SALE. Blue/gray overstuffed sofa and loveseat. Very comfortable. $150 for both. Call Mary at 4861220.
FOR SALE. Twobedroom beach condo at Rehoboth Beach. Winterized. Three blocks from the ocean. Parking reserved. $56,900. Call 9207014, evenings.
FOR SALE. Double bed mattress, box springs and frame. $45. Wicker etagere, glass shelves, $45. Call 4X63075.
BSCL Presents
Come by to meet neighbors and eat succulent roasted pork, plus trimmings
Live music by Potomac Jazz Orchestra
at the Community House, 800 S. Buchanan
Saturday, Oct. 14, 1 to 4 PM
Donation: $8/adults; $2/kids For info, call 979-8366.
Barcroft School and Civic League
800 South Buchanan Street
Arlington, VA 22204

This page was last revised on: September 15, 2000.