We had a great time at Becky's
on Sunday, May 7th, 2000
enjoying the Eastern Shore.
Here are our hostess and her friend Gene

The hors d'oevres were terrific -- that's fresh crab.
Baby Emily made a happy appearance.

She likes that shoe!
We took the traditional walk down to the dock

John took our picture with his digital camera.
From left: Pete, Spike, Steve, Becky, Kate, Mary, Emily,
Sheila, Tom, John, Steve, Katherine, Dan,
Molly, Joan, Kenzie, John, Barbara and Jessie
Steve and his friend Sheila

Having a quiet word together.
Kate has new skates

She was so fast the photo is blurred!
We visited a local pottery studio.

Their kiln was really interesting.
Kenzie and Molly hula-hooping

Now that's really tricky with two.
Then we had a cookout feast!
But nobody took pictures of that because we were all eating.
The five Magoon kids were all there.

That's rare these days!
Old photos in the kitchen

Joan, Barbara and Becky
Thanks for having us, Becky!