Wildlife in our back yard
Here are some photos of wildlife in our Arlington, VA back yard.
Some are from hand-held cameras with zoom lenses, some from a
trail camera that snaps shots automatically all day and night.

Our back yard. It's about 250 feet to the back fence.

Big bird? No, a robin taking off toward the camera. May 2016

We see lots of rabbits.

Rabbit near our bird pond May 2016. There were many in the spring, but fewer by late summer as the foxes came back.

Hawk in our pond, 2014

The hawk took a vigorous bath!

Red Fox in 2014

This fox was sunning himself on a fine August day in 2011.

These two foxes were frolicing around the yard for a while -- maybe 10 minutes -- in 2016. We had seen many more rabbits in the spring, but fewer now that the foxes are here almost every night.
Mangy Fox video
Video of a mangy fox in January 2022.

We used to see occasional deer. Now with the trail cam we get photos of them every night. They are more comfortable in our yard now, and we see them in daylight. Most neighborhood noises do not alarm them except for barking dogs and an occasional loud motorycle.
Deer video
Video of deer at our bird pond February 2022.

We sometimes set up the trail cam in this section, facing away from the house.

Possums and coons show up on the trail cam almost every night.
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